Meeting date: 11 July 2018
Meeting Venue: 4th Floor Skipton House
Meeting title: NHSCFA Board meeting
Attendees (Board members):
- (DR) David Rawsthorn (Interim Non Executive Director, NHSCFA)
- (MJB) Matthew Jordan-Boyd (Interim Director of Finance, NHSCFA)
- (SR) Susan Frith (Interim Chief Executive, NHSCFA)
- (RH) Richard Hampton (Head of Intelligence and Crime Reduction, NHSCFA)
- (AS) Ann Sturgess (Corporate Governance Manager and Board Secretary, NHSCFA)
- (RR) Richard Rippin (Head of Operations, NHSCFA)
- (PG) Paul Golightly (Director, Department of Health and Social Care Anti Fraud Unit )
- (DT) Davina Teeluck ( Staff Engagement Group representative – Observer)
- (SH) Simon Hughes (Interim Chair, NHSCFA) (Chair)
1 Introduction
- 1.1 DR welcomed all to the NHSCFA Board meeting. The Board agreed DR should be appointed interim Vice Chair. This would enable him to chair the meeting in the chair’s absence.
2. Declarations of interest
2.1 DR highlighted that he no longer has any declarations of interest.
Action point 1: DR to send AS notice of change to record that he is no longer Non Executive Director (NED) at North Cumbria University Hospitals Trust.
3 Minutes and action from NHSCFA Board meeting held 24.05.18
- 3.1 The minutes of the last NHSCFA Board meeting on 24 May 2018 were agreed. Reports and matters arising
4 Operational Performance update
- 4.1 SF presented the Operational Performance report to update the Board on
organisational performance against the business plan for Q1 during 2018-19.
The report was noted
5 Operations Report (investigations)
- 5.1 RR presented the operations report which was noted.
- 5.2 Risks around the case management review were discussed. It was noted that these risks are reviewed by NIS managers on a monthly basis.
- 5.3 DR thanked RR for the report and suggested a number of ways to develop the summary analysis to give additional information and , in particular,to show how activity had changed since the previous report
6. Strategic Intelligence Assessment (SIA)
6.1 SF provided an update regarding the SIA and noted that the DH & SC AFU had
agreed the publication pending final confirmation. The Board agreed that the
redacted version would be released on the NHSCFA website on 23.07.18, subject
to confirmation from PG.
Action point 2: PG to check on behalf of the DH & SC whether redacted version of the SIA can be published on 23.07.18.
6.2 It was noted that a message may need to be communicated in the event the SIA is
not published due to the figures being included in the NHSCFA annual report,
which is due to be laid before parliamentary recess and subsequently published.
Action point 3: AS to monitor the publication of the SIA and NHSCFA Annual report and email the Board if a communications message is required.
7. Finance Report
- 7.1 MJB presented the Finance report which was discussed and noted.
- 7.2 MJB noted that he was confident that the allocation for the Agenda for Change pay award would be agreed in July.
- 7.3 The Board agreed they were happy to support and agreed the recommendations in the finance report. These included agreeing the budget for 2018/19.
8. ESR Registration Authority
8.1 AS explained that the NHSBSA are acting as a temporary registration authority for
the NHSCFA. AS noted that it would need to be agreed at Board level to act as a
standalone registration authority. This was agreed and and final version of the
ESR registration policy will be appended to the minutes for circulation. It was also
agreed that DR would be the board level sponsor.
Action point 4: ESR Registration Authority policy document to be finalised and appended to next Board minutes.
- 8.2 SF acknowledged in her the role of Caldicott Guardian this was referenced within the policy.
- 8.3 The Board agreed the proposals in papers 5 and 5A to support the registration.
9. CFA Board Assurance Framework
- 9.1 AS confirmed that a report on the NHSCFA Board Assurance Framework will go to the ARC and that any matters arising will be highlighted to the Board as an information paper. AS noted that DR had suggested that the document include further information regarding lines of defence and feedback is sought form internal and external audit. AS confirmed it will circulated for comment. The Board agreed the format.
10. CFA data security Board lead
- 10.1 MJB confirmed that he would share the NHSCFA data security document with the Board.
11. Corporate Risks
- 11.1 SF outlined proprosed amendments to the wording around risk number 3.
- 11.2 The Board agreed and noted paper 7.
13. Annual Report update
- 13.1 MJB reported that he has been liaising with the NAO to ensure the accounts are signed off for inclusion in the Annual Report. It was intended that the ARC on 13 July will approve the annual report and annual accounts for signing by the Accounting Officer. MJB added that following sign off the accounts would be published. AS noted that measures have been put in place to ensure that the process for the sign off of the accounts runs more effectiently next year.
14. Quality Report
- 14.1 SF outlined the quality report which was produced at the Board’s request to show which activities in the unit business plan for 18/19 had been identified including delivery dates and demonstrating how the Quality Assessments will integrate with work across the NHS CFA to drive down fraudulent activity. The report was noted.
14.2 SF outlined the planned development day which will look at options where the
Quality assessment activities can be further aligned to achieving measurable
improvements and impacts on countering fraud with the Health care arena. It was
agreed that the Board’s views would be provided to staff during this development
day. A further request for an update on proposed options identified at the
development day was requested.
Action point 5: Quality & Compliance to provide an updated paper on options identified following the planned development day, demonstrating where the assessment activities can be further aligned to achieving measurable improvements and impacts on countering fraud with the health care arena.
15. Fraud Prevention Cycle Summary
15.1 RH outlined the fraud prevention cycle summary paper which had been requested
by the Board to demonstrate how threats are identified and measured and
solutions developed and evaluated. RH thanked Lorraine Harris for producing the
paper. The Board noted the paper and agreed that they were happy for the paper
to be disseminated more widely.
Action point 6: RH to arrange for the fraud prevention cycle summary paper to be published on the NHSCFA extranet and public website
16. Publication of loss analysis and thematic intelligence reports
16.1 The Board discussed papers 10 and 10A and agreed option 1 which is
‘Publication of individual NHSCFA loss measurement reports or thematic intelligence
reports at the time they are completed‘.
Action point 7: RH to put together an explanation of the consideration process behind the Board’s agreement of option 1.
16.2 It was agreed that the SMT would provide an update to the Board on the
publications scheme.
Action point 8: SMT to provide publication scheme update to Board by September.
17. Any other Business
- 17.1 There was no other business.