Meeting date: 12 December 2018
Meeting Venue: 1st Floor Skipton House
Meeting title: NHSCFA Board meeting
Attendees (Board members):
- (TT) Tom Taylor– (Chair of the NHSCFA Board)
- (SF) Susan Frith (Interim Chief Executive, NHSCFA)
- (JS) Jayne Scott (Audit Committee Chair, NHSCFA)
- (CS) Carl Stychin (Non Executive Director, NHSCFA)
- (MS) Martin Spencer (Non Executive Director, NHSCFA)
- (MJB) Matthew Jordan-Boyd (Director of Finance, NHSCFA)
- (RR) Richard Rippin (Head of Operations, NHSCFA)
- (AS) Ann Sturgess (Corporate Governance Manager and Board Secretary, NHSCFA)
- (RH) Richard Hampton (Head of Intelligence and Crime Reduction, NHSCFA)
- (PG) Paul Golightly (Director, Department of Health and Social Care Anti Fraud Unit )
- (FM) Note taker (NHSCFA)
- (DT) Davina Teeluck (Staff Engagement Observer)
1. Welcome
- 1.1 TT welcomed all to the NHSCFA Board meeting.
2. Apologies
- 2.1 Davina Teeluck was noted as an apology.
3. Declarations of interest
- 3.1 TT reminded the Board that all new roles must be declared at the start of each meeting to ensure the highest level of governance.
- 3.2 TT made the following declarations of interest: NED for Northern Ireland Government and Agency Audit Committee Chair, Wales Consumer for Water Chairman and Audit & Risk Committee member Government, HMRC Independent Audit & Risk member, UK Government Legal Department Board member and Audit Committee chair.
- 3.3 MS made the following declarations of interest:NTT Data Board, NED Education and Skills, Relative is a Dorset NHS Mental Health practititioner.
- 3.4 CS made the following declarations of interest: Professor of Law at City, University of London (until 31 December 2018), Director of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and Professor of Law, School of Advanced Study, University of London (from 1 January 2019); Lay member of the General Chiropractic Council; Lay member of the Lifelong Learning Board, Institute and Faculty of Actuaries; Member of the Board of Governance, Nelson College London; External Examiner, London School of Economics; Chair of the Committee of Heads of UK Law Schools; Lay Education Visitor, General Dental Council and General Optical Council.
- 3.5 JS made the following declarations of interest: Partner at Scott Ross Partnership, Registers of Scotland, Deputy Chair of Private Healthcare Information Network, Board Member of Consumer Challenge Board Heathrow Airport, ARC Scotland Office.
- 3.6 AS reminded the Board to advise her of any changes in relation to declarations of interest in order for them to be formally recorded. AS provided declaration of interest forms to the Board for completion. Action point 1: NEDS to return completed declaration of interest forms to AS.
4. Minutes for approval
- 4.1 The Board reviewed the minutes of the last Board meeting, dated and accepted them as a true record.
5. Action log
- 5.1 The Board reviewed the action log. AS advised that as requested by the Board action numbering would now run consecutively to assist with tracking following the end of the transition period.
6. Updates:
6.1 Update from the Chairperson
- 6.1.1 TT welcomed the new NEDS to the Board and recorded thanks to David Rawsthorn for his work during the first year of the NHSCFA.
- 6.1.2 TT advised that he had presented at the Healthcare Finance Management Association (FHMA) Annual Audit conference which had been well received and provided an excellent opportunity for networking. TT advised that he had also attended three events for Government NEDs.
- 6.1.3 TT advised that following Stephen Barclay MP’s move to Secretary of State for Exiting the EU, he and PG would aim to meet with the new Minister for Health, Stephen Hammond.
6.2 Verbal update from NEDS
- 6.2.1 TT acknowledged that given that NEDs had only just started in post it would be too early to be able to provide verbal updates and that this should be provided at the next Board meeting.
6.3 Finance report
- 6.3.1 MJB confirmed the current financial position as of 31st October 2018. MJB explained that there is an underspend against a budget of £6.146m of £0.235m. MJB noted that the underspend was primarily caused by delays in recruitment and an underspend against in year contingencies which would be utilised later in the year.
- 6.3.2 MJB noted that the underspend had increased due to the increase in budget relating to the Agenda for Change pay award whereas during previous reporting periods staffing related underspends had been mitigated by non pay overspends.
- 6.3.3 MJB outlined the capital programme, there is a forecast underspend of £331,000 against the capital programme of £2.568m. MJB added that updates will be provided as appropriate.
- 6.3.4 MJB advised that the Capita contract is coming to an end.
- 6.3.5 The Board discussed the relocation of staff at Cheylesmore House, the estimated costs involved and the resulting reductions in rent that have been neogotiated due to the ongoing disruption. MJB reported that NHSBSA Estates are onsite drawing up plans for the new location.
6.4 Operational (performance) report
- 6.4.1 SF updated the Board on the operational performance position.
6.5 Operational (investigations) report
- 6.5.1 RR provided a report on enforcement activity as requested by the Board. RR highlighted the appendix providing a brief description of current cases and their status. RR noted that the report highlighted matters of interest, in particular cases where there may be media interest. RR explained the internal advanced warning process and advised that these could be extended to the Board in future where appropriate. Action point 2: AS to liaise with RR to keep Board informed of any impending operational cases of note. Action point 3: RR to review operational investigation report format; and add further information on POCA cases; highlight cases of any media interest; focus more on assurance of progress and update on the 2,293 open allegations.
6.6 Initial staff survey findings report
- 6.6.1 SF advised that she had reviewed the findings of the staff survey report and that a management response was being drafted and would be provided to staff in due course. Action point 4: SF to share management response to staff survey with the Board for them to provide comment.
- 6.6.2 The Board discussed the findings of the survey in detail and agreed that it would be useful for a comparison against results from other civil service bodies to be provided. Action point 5: SF to provide staff survey comparison against civil service bodies and CFA at next Board meeting. Action point 6: Martin Spencer to act as Board engagement lead with OD on future survey content
- 6.6.3 The Board discussed other approaches to address issues raised in the findings such as management demonstrating specific objectives resulting from the survey and informal ‘how to improve the workplace’ sessions driven by staff. The Board agreed that it may also be useful for them to regularly engage with staff. Action point 7: TT, SF and AS to look at Board engagement with staff options.
- 6.6.4 SF explained the role of the Staff Engagement Group (SEG) to the Board and noted that there may be some targeted measurable from them in future.
7 Appointments for discussion
8. Committee Updates
8.1 Audit and Risk Committee
- 8.1.1 JS reported that the ARC had been treated as an unofficial meeting as it had not been officially quorate. JS noted that the meeting had been positive with good internal and external engagement. JS reported that both the internal audit programme and external audit arrangements were on track. JS advised that future ARCs would look more closely at risk.
- 8.1.2 JS confirmed that she is reviewing the existing ToR for the ARC and would update as required. Action point 8: JS to provide updated ToR for ARC for sign off at next Board meeting
- 8.1.3 SF agreed at JS’s request that she would be present at future ARC meetings.
10. Matters for discussion/approval
- NAO DHSC Group 2017-18 supplementary management letter The Board discussed and agreed the paper.
- Strategic Intelligence Assessment report The Board provided feedback on the content of the SIA paper and suggested that more positive language be used. Action point 9: RH to provide redrafted SIA for the next Board meeting.
11. Date of next meeting
- 11.1 30 January 2019, Cheylesmore, Coventry.