NHSCFA Public Board meeting 17th July 2020

Minutes of NHSCFA Public Board meeting - FCG-BOA-MIN - Public Meeting – 17.07.20

Meeting date: 17.07.20

Meeting time/venue: 13:00-14:30 by conference call

Meeting title: NHSCFA Board Meeting


  • (TT)Tom Taylor (Chairperson, NHSCFA)
  • (CS) Professor Carl Stychin (Non Executive Director)
  • (MS) Martin Spencer (Non Executive Director)
  • (JS) Jayne Scott (Non Executive Director)
  • (SF) Susan Frith (Chief Executive, NHSCFA)
  • (MJB) Matthew Jordan-Boyd (Director of Finance & Corporate Governance, NHSCFA)
  • (TM) Tricia Morrison (Director of Performance & Improvement NHSCFA)


  • (PG) Paul Golightly (Deputy Director, DHSC AFU)
  • (RR) Richard Rippin (Head of Operations) (to present paper 7)
  • (AS) Ann Sturgess (Corporate Governance Manager and Board Secretary, NHSCFA)
  • (KK) Kiranjeet Kaur (Governance & Assurance Assistant, NHSCFA) Minutes


  • (MR) Mandeep Ruprai (Staff Engagement Group, NHSCFA) Observer

Apologies received:

  • None

1. Welcome

  • 1.1 TT welcomed all to the NHSCFA Board meeting and special welcome was given to TM on her first board meeting and MR as SEG observer. TT thanked CS for chairing the previous board meeting.

2. Apologies

  • 2.1 No apologies made.

3. Declarations of interest

  • 3.1 No new declarations of interest were made with existing declarations confirmed as current.

4. Minutes of Board Meeting 22.05.20

  • 4.1 The Board agreed the previous minutes as a true record.

5. Action log

  • 5.1 The Board reviewed the action log and updated it accordingly.

6. General update from the Chair

  • 6.1 TT provided a verbal update starting with a discussion around the new political appointments in government. TT noted discussions are in progress to centralise communication functions across all departments.
  • 6.2 Covid-19 was discussed, and the latest position noted. TT highlighted the NHSCFA should not be looking to return to office-based working until it is completely safe to do so. This was supported by all members.
  • 6.3 TT confirmed the accountability meeting held with SF, PG and DHSC had been very positive.

7. General updates from NEDS

  • 7.1 CS provided the below updates:
    • Highlighted his pleasure to be nominated as a NHCFA judge for the tackling economic crime awards and acknowledged this positive contribution towards raising the organisation’s profile.
    • Pleased to provide thanks and support to those people who have been working to increase our power to fright fraud in the NHS as outlined on the Go2 article of the same name.
    • Confirmed the Financial Symposium at Cambridge University has been cancelled due to the current pandemic but will return next year.
  • 7.2 JS provided a general update around the easing out of lockdown, including the fact the UK is operating differently in each region. JS noted the need for manageable approaches to cover everyone’s comfort and boundaries.
  • 7.3 MS presented paper 1 and confirmed the accreditation for Time to Change Pledge has been granted. MS was delighted to sign this of on behalf on the Board and confirmed it is now posted on Go2 with the supporting action plan. The members noted their congratulations to all involved.
  • 7.4 MS confirmed he has sent a personal note of congratulation to all people who have recently completed training & development.
  • 7.5 MS confirmed and the Board noted, there has been strong encouragement from the Attorney General for organisations to be ambitious with submissions for the 2020 spending review.

8. Update from ARAC (paper 2)

  • 8.1 JS provided an updating including the following elements:
    • ARAC has been reviewing the timetable for the Annual Report & Accounts.
    • ARAC recognised the Internal Audit Plan had to be flexible and had noted GIAA offered support to refocus any changes due to the current pandemic.
    • ARAC noted the follow up of audit recommendations & governance & assurance recommendations and had highlighted the need to focus on ensuring resources were prioritised in the correct areas.
    • ARAC recognised the helpful session on risk, which supported the development of the risk appetite statement and strategic corporate risks and further noted to development of the Board Assurance Framework and Assurance Map.

      AP92 - AS to email all Board Assurance Framework to all prior to this being discussed at ARAC on 24.7.20.

9. Finance Report (paper 3)

  • 9.1 MJB discussed the following from the Finance Report:
    • End of June there was an underspend of 180k, the budget was signed off including the vacancy factor. There is a robust programme to manage recruitment.
    • The underspend in the non pay budgets such as travel and subsistence due to current circumstances was highlighted.
    • Still forecasting to break even by the end of the year, however there are a number of pressures towards the end of the year which are being monitored.
    • Capital budget was discussed, nothing has been committed to as of yet, awaiting DHSC allocation.
    • NAO audit to start at the beginning of September, all evidence will be provided by the 31st of July. The aim being to certify ARA the week before the end of October.
    • Confirmed options for SAS procurement were being explored.
  • 9.2 Following discussion MJB will provide clarity on details on Pay figures, the Board approved the finance paper subject to clarification on the reconciliation points raised.

AP93 – MJB to provide clarity on details on Pay figures.

10. Corporate Risk update & Covid 19 Response (paper 4)

  • 10.1 AS confirmed the new strategic risks had been agreed and will be going to ARAC on 24.07.20. The performance & assurance panels have met over the last few days, and risk have been reviewed as part of these. Actions have identified and will be implemented. The paper was noted.

11. Q1 Performance position update (papers 5 & 5a)

  • 11.1 TM presented paper 5 & 5A, setting out a comprehensive Q1 position, the delivery of objectives and Covid-19 planning. The impact of Covid on the business plan is laid out with response and mitigating actions. Further discussion was had around objectives that are achievable and target delivery.

12. Business plan refresh proposal (paper 6)

  • 12.1 TM provided an update on paper 6, the Board noted the focus on strengthening the measures and the way we record them. The Board agreed this approach will provide a better picture of areas performance and to look for emerging trends rather than focus on RAG ratings.
  • 12.2 The Board thanked TM for her hard work and comprehensive papers and on joining the organisations in such difficult times.

13. Workforce planning (verbal update) (REMCO action 27)

  • 13.1 SF confirmed the discussions were continuing to identify the optimum for delivery across the organisation. The work to complete this will be finalised over the coming weeks. SF suggested bringing the Board together outside of the Board meeting to discuss the structure of this.

AP94 – AS to liaise with SF & arrange a meeting in August to review the final submission.

14. Operational report (paper 7)

  • 14.1 Operations paper was noted.

15. Data Security & Protection document review proposal (paper 8)

  • 15. 1 AS discussed the review of the Data Security documents. AS proposed to circulate this out of Board, collate all comments and bring to Board in October. The Board approved this approach

16. Staff survey update (papers 9 & 9a)

  • 16.1 The papers were noted.

17. Review forward planner (paper 10)

  • 17.1 PG confirmed DHSC is yet to receive confirmation of the dates in respect of the organisation renew debates.

18. Review of effectiveness of meeting

  • 18.1 TT thanked all for attending the meeting, all papers had been covered and the meeting was held on conference call. MR thanked the Board for allowing the opportunity to observe and confirmed she found this insightful.

Date of next Meeting: 14.10.20 11.00-13.00

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