Request digital forensics work and services from the DFU

Contact the DFU for help and advice with your digital forensics requirements.

The Digital Forensics Unit (DFU) provides a comprehensive, professional service to recover digital evidence for use in criminal, civil and disciplinary proceedings.

The DFU can also provide a data recovery service for lost documents and an auditing service to assist in compliance with corporate policies.

Besides NHS Counter Fraud Authority's own investigations, the DFU can provide digital forensics and other services for any NHS investigation carried out by an authorised person.

Find more useful information on what to do and what NOT to do when handling digital forensic evidence during an investigation by visiting our Forensic dos, Forensic don'ts page.

Please contact us using the details below, or visit the DFU pages for more information about the work of the NHSCFA Digital Forensics Unit .

To request digital forensics work please email and ask for a copy of the DFU Case Submission Form to be provided.

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