NHSCFA Payments over 25K 2021-22

Details of individual transactions paid to third parties in the year 21-22 for goods and services valued at over 25K, and uploaded quarterly in line with government guidance.

April Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department of Health and Social Care NHS Counter Fraud Authority 19/04/2021 Software License IT Service Improvement Licence Renewal ORACLE CORPORATION UK LTD 0050020979 £179353.79
Department of Health and Social Care NHS Counter Fraud Authority 19/04/2021 Software License IT Service Improvement Performance and Project Management Suite TMI SYSTEMS LIMITED 0050020981 £81036
Department of Health and Social Care NHS Counter Fraud Authority 15/04/2020 IT Software Intelligence Unit Licence Renewal THE POLICE ICT COMPANY 0050020999 £40320
May Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department of Health and Social Care NHS Counter Fraud 04/05/2021 Professional Fees Finance & Corporate Governance SLA costs NHS BSA 0050021009 £44631.39
June Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Nill return
July Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 02/07/2021 Professional Fees Finance & Corporate Governance SLA costs NHS BSA 0050021156 27,985.16
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 02/07/2021 Rent and Rates Estates Citygate Rent Q2 2021/22 GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY 0050021120 47,750.50
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 02/07/2021 Rent and Rates Estates Estates Management Fee Q2 2021/22 GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY 0050021158 35,368.35
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 02/07/2021 Rent and Rates Estates Earlsdon Park Rent Q2 2021/22 GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY 0050021123 32,441.42
August Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 25/08/2021 Rent and Rates Estates Skipton Rent Q3 + Q4 2020/21 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 0050021283 485561.99
September Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 16/09/2021 Rent and Rates Estates Citygate Rent Q3 2021/22 GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY 0050021298 93,185.02
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 16/09/2021 Rent and Rates Estates Earlsdon Park Rent Q3 2021/22 GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY 0050021299 37,110.21
October Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 05/10/2021 Professional Fees Internal IT Systems Cloud Migration Agilisys 0050021405 73,167.65
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 28/10/2021 Professional Fees Internal IT Systems Cloud Migration Trustmarque Solutions Ltd 0050021456 61,897.50
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 26/10/2021 Software License IT Service Improvement Licence Renewal Trustmarque Solutions Ltd 0050021401 44,278.66
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 20/10/2021 Professional Fees Finance & Corporate Governance SLA costs NHS BSA 0050021426 41,978.54
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 01/10/2021 Professional Fees Internal IT Systems Cloud Migration Agilisys 0050021386 30,257.85
November Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 30/11/2021 Rent and Rates Estates Skipton House Q1 - Q2 2021/22 DHSC 0050021542 449,507.13
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 11/11/2021 Professional Fees Intelligence Unit Crimestoppers Renewal Treble 5 Treble 1 Limited 0050021457 78,168.89
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 01/11/2021 Professional Fees Internal IT Systems Cloud Migration Agilisys 0050021476 52,306.52
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 11/11/2021 Software Licences Organisation Development Extranet Renewal Oak Engage Limited 0050021450 29,877.12
December Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 23/12/2021 Rent and Rates Estates Skipton House Q3 2021/22 DHSC 0050021592 224,753.56
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 09/12/2021 Rent and Rates Estates Citygate Rent Q4 2021/22 GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY 0050021570 90,063.96
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 02/12/2021 Professional Fees Internal IT Systems Cloud Migration Agilisys 0050021516 66,368.01
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 15/12/2021 Professional Fees Internal IT Systems Cloud Migration Agilisys 0050021572 66,214.38
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 06/12/2021 Professional Fees Internal IT Systems Cloud Migration Agilisys 0050021540 32,942.87
January Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 20/01/2022 Professional Fees Internal IT Systems Cloud Migration Agilisys 0050021642 30,928.74
February Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 10/02/2022 Professional Fees Internal IT Systems Cloud Migration Agilisys 0050021715 32,277.39
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 07/02/2022 Professional Fees Finance & Corporate Governance SLA costs NHS BSA 0050021655 49,684.72
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 07/02/2022 Audit Fees Finance & Corporate Governance Audit Fees 20/21 National Audit Office 0050021722 55,000.00
March Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 10/03/2022 Professional Fees Internal IT Systems Cloud Migration Agilisys 0050021804 27,732.01
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 23/03/2022 Professional Fees Internal IT Systems Cloud Migration SAS Software Limited 0050021609 32799.90
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 24/03/2022 Professional Fees Internal IT Systems Cloud Migration SAS Software Limited 0050021823 33710.75
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 07/03/2022 Secondment Costs National Investigations Service Secondee costs 21/22 HM Revenue & Customs 0050021805 47746.58
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 17/03/2022 Licence Fees Internal IT Systems Annual Microsoft licence Trustmarque Solutions Ltd 0050021769 51902.88
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 23/03/2022 Professional Fees Internal IT Systems Cloud Migration SAS Software Limited 0050021610 61705.20
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 28/03/2022 Rent and Rates Estates Earlsdon Park Rent Q1 22/23 GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY 0050021856 71,514.38
Department of Health NHS Counter Fraud Authority 28/03/2022 Rent and Rates Estates Citygate Rent Q1 22/23 GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY 0050021855 84,807.49

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