NHSCFA Payments over 25K 2023-24

Details of individual transactions paid to third parties in the year 23-24 for goods and services valued at over 25K, and uploaded quarterly in line with government guidance.

April Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department Family Department of Health and Social Care Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 23/03/2023 Expense Type Professional Fees Expense Area Corporate Affairs Narrative SLA costs Supplier NHS BSA Transaction Numbe 0050023184 AP Amount £40,130.81
May Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department Family Department of Health and Social Care Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 17/05/2023 Expense Type Professional Fees Expense Area Corporate Affairs Narrative SLA costs Supplier NHS BSA Transaction Numbe 0050023388 AP Amount £53,073.73
Department Family Department of Health and Social Care Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 01/04/2023 Expense Type Software Licences Expense Area Intelligence Narrative IBMi2 SOFTWARE RENEWED 01/04/2023 Supplier Police Digital Service Transaction Numbe 0050023301 AP Amount £44,452.80
Department Family Department of Health and Social Care Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 10/11/2022 Expense Type Software Expense Area IT Service Improvement Narrative Renewal of FTK Lab licences for three Supplier Exterro Inc Transaction Numbe 0050023425 AP Amount £37,603.80
June Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department Family Department of Health and Social Care Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 23/05/2023 Expense Type Rates & Service Charges Expense Area Estates Narrative COVENTRY 24 JUN - 28 SEP 2023 Supplier Government Property Agency Transaction Numbe 0050023408 AP Amount £99,823.55
Department Family Department of Health and Social Care Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 23/05/2023 Expense Type Rates & Service Charges Expense Area Estates Narrative CITYGATE 01 JUL-30 SEP 2023 Supplier Government Property Agency Transaction Numbe 0050023407 AP Amount £50,698.00
July Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Nill Return
August Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department Family Department of Health and Social Care Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 28/07/2023 Expense Type Service Charge Expense Area Estates Narrative COVENTRY 01/04/22 - 31/03/23 Supplier Government Property Agency Transaction Numbe 0050023622 AP Amount £36,740.14
September Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department Family Department of Health and Social Care Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 26/09/2023 Expense Type Audit Fees Expense Area Finance Narrative NAO External Audit Fees Supplier HM Treasury Group Transaction Numbe 0050023762 AP Amount £71,000.00
October Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department Family Department of Health and Social Care Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 09/08/2023 Expense Type Rent, Rates & Service Charges Expense Area Estates Narrative COVENTRY 29.09.23 - 24.12.23 Supplier Government Property Agency Transaction Numbe 50023852 AP Amount £58,301.21
Department Family Department of Health and Social Care Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 17/10/2023 Expense Type Audit Fees Expense Area Corporate Affairs Narrative Internal Audit Services 2023/24 Supplier HM Treasury Group Transaction Numbe 50023859 AP Amount £46,957.5
Department Family Department of Health and Social Care Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 29/09/2023 Expense Type Professional Fees Expense Area Corporate Affairs Narrative SLA Costs Supplier NHS BSA Transaction Numbe 50023774 AP Amount £45,610.28
Department Family Department of Health and Social Care Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 09/08/2023 Expense Type Rent, Rates & Service Charges Expense Area Estates Narrative COVENTRY 01.04.22 - 31.03.23 Supplier Government Property Agency Transaction Numbe 50023850 AP Amount £29,398.38
November Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department Family Department of Health and Social Care Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 16/11/2023 Expense Type Professional Fees Expense Area Corporate Affairs Narrative SLA Costs Supplier NHS BSA Transaction Numbe 50023979 AP Amount £46,436.89
December Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department Family Department of Health and Social Care Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 26/10/2023 Expense Type Professional Fees Expense Area Intelligence Narrative Continuation of Crimestoppers Supplier Treble 5 Treble 1 Limited Transaction Numbe 50024049 AP Amount £84,969.58
Department Family Department of Health and Social Care Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 06/11/2023 Expense Type Rent, Rates & Service Charges Expense Area Estates Narrative FLOOR 9 COVENTRY Supplier Government Property Agency Transaction Numbe 50023992 AP Amount £60,461.74
January Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Nill return
February Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department Family Department of Health Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 01/01/2024 Expense Type Software Expense Area Capital Narrative Analytical software Supplier Bulien LLP Transaction Numbe 50024147 AP Amount £1,134,840
Department Family Department of Health Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 11/02/2024 Expense Type Professional Fees Expense Area Corporate Affairs Narrative REF T154000 CFA CHARGES Supplier NHS BSA Transaction Numbe 50024258 AP Amount £39,978.41
March Return
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Narrative Supplier Transaction Number AP Amount
Department Family Department of Health Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 01/03/2024 Expense Type Rent, Rates & Service Charges Expense Area Estates Narrative COVENTRY LEASE CHRGS Supplier Government Property Agency Transaction Numbe 50024347 AP Amount £94,335.59
Department Family Department of Health Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 01/03/2024 Expense Type Rent, Rates & Service Charges Expense Area Estates Narrative CITYGATE FEES Supplier Government Property Agency Transaction Numbe 50024348 AP Amount £90,721.77
Department Family Department of Health Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 28/02/2024 Expense Type Software Licences Expense Area Technology Narrative SEI-00002 Supplier Trustmarque Solutions Transaction Numbe 50024326 AP Amount £74,204.06
Department Family Department of Health Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 28/02/2024 Expense Type Software Licences Expense Area Technology Narrative Part number SEJ 00002 Supplier Trustmarque Solutions Transaction Numbe 50024327 AP Amount £57,123.61
Department Family Department of Health Entity NHS Counter Fraud Authority Date 08/03/2024 Expense Type Audit Fees Expense Area Finance Narrative NAO External Audit Fees 2023-24 Supplier HM Treasury Group Transaction Numbe 50024358 AP Amount £39,000

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