- Safeguard the confidentiality of all person-identifiable or confidential information that you come into contact with. This is a statutory obligation on everyone working on or behalf of NHSCFA
- Clear your desk at the end of each day, keeping all non-digital records containing person-identifiable or confidential information in recognised filing and storage places that are locked at times when access is not directly controlled or supervised.
- Switch off computers with access to person-identifiable or business confidential information, or put them into a password protected mode, if you leave your desk.
- Ensure that you cannot be overheard when discussing confidential matters.
- Challenge and verify where necessary the identity of any person who is making a request for person-identifiable or confidential information and ensure they have a need to know.
- Share only the minimum information necessary to achieve the purpose.
- Transfer person-identifiable or confidential information securely when necessary i.e. use an email account to send confidential information to another email account or to a secure government domain e.g.
- Seek advice if you need to share patient/person-identifiable information without the consent of the patient/identifiable person’s consent and record the decision and any action taken.
- Report any actual or suspected breaches of confidentiality through Service Desk (, Ext: 0207 895 4545, Int: 514 4545) where it will be appropriately triaged.
- Participate in induction, e-learning and awareness raising sessions on confidentiality issues.
- Don’t share passwords or leave them lying around for others to see.
- Don’t share information without the consent of the person to which the information relates, unless there are statutory or common law grounds to do so.
- Don’t use person-identifiable information unless absolutely necessary, anonymise the information wherever possible.
- Don’t collect, hold or process more information than you need, and do not keep it for longer than necessary.