Information requested
- Does your organisation have a Master Vendor contract in place for recruitment?
- If yes, which organisation holds the contract?
- When did this contract commence?
- When does this contract expire?
- Please can you confirm to me how many agency workers are working within your organisation as of the time of this request.
- What is the split between operational and support staff within this cohort.
- What is your training budget for the financial year 2020-2021?
- How much of this budget will be allocated to the following training areas: Safeguarding, Investigations, Disclosure, Counter-Terrorism?
- What was your training spend for the last financial year (2019-2020)?
- How much of this spend falls within the following training areas: Safeguarding, Investigations, Disclosure, Counter-Terrorism?
- What are the results of your training needs analysis for the upcoming financial year, 2020-2021?
NHSCFA response
Does your organisation have a Master Vendor contract in place for recruitment?
The NHS Counter Fraud Authority and the NHS Business Services Authority have a Memorandum of Understanding between parties and as part of that, engage HRSS to operate their transactional recruitment needs.
If yes, which organisation holds the contract?
The NHSCFA has a Memorandum of Understanding with the NHSBSA, this is not a contract.
When did this contract commence?
See above.
When does this contract expire?
See above.
Please can you confirm to me how many agency workers are working within your organisation as of the time of this request.
There are currently 3 agency staff working within NHS Counter Fraud Authority.
What is the split between operational and support staff within this cohort.
Within this cohort, one staff member is operational and 2 staff members are support staff. For the purpose of this response, operational staff are those working within an investigatory role. Support staff are those within a non-investigatory role.
What is your training budget for the financial year 2020-2021?
The learning and development budget has not yet been allocated for 2020-2021.
How much of this budget will be allocated to the following training areas: Safeguarding, Investigations, Disclosure, Counter-Terrorism?
NHSCFA does not allocate the training budget in this way. Our Learning and Development Plan is developed as a result of an analysis of personal development plans and discussion with Heads of Service to determine priorities. This will take place after the appraisal process is completed at the end of May 2020. The budget is then allocated to meet specific needs for each year.
What was your training spend for the last financial year (2019-2020)?
£101, 735 as at 12.3.2020. More spend is to be allocated before year end.
How much of this spend falls within the following training areas: Safeguarding, Investigations, Disclosure, Counter-Terrorism?
£24,690.50 was spent on external learning and development relating to investigations and disclosure. NHSCFA also has an in-house training team who deliver training in this area.
What are the results of your training needs analysis for the upcoming financial year, 2020-2021?
As stated above, the training needs analysis will not be undertaken until the end of May 2020, following the end of the appraisal process