Information requested
- How many calls were made to the reporting centre of the NHS Counter Fraud Authority about suspicious medical equipment or medicines in each of the five most recent reporting periods (12 months)
- How many calls were made to the reporting centre of the NHS Counter Fraud Authority about suspicious medical equipment or medicines in the reporting year to 2011.
- How many prosecutions have been launched in relation to a) counterfeit medicines and b) counterfeit medical equipment in each of the past five reporting years.
- How many prosecutions were launched in relation to a) counterfeit medicines and b) counterfeit medical equipment in 2011.
- The estimated value and number of (a) counterfeit medicines and (b) counterfeit medical devices or shipments of equipment seized in each of the past five reporting years.
- Please could you tell me, if known, the top five countries of origin for these seizures.
NHSCFA response
- How many calls were made to the reporting centre of the NHS Counter Fraud Authority about suspicious medical equipment or medicines in each of the five most recent reporting periods (12 months)
A search of NHS Counter Fraud Authority case management system has been undertaken. The type of information you request is not a mandatory category within the case management system. A search was therefore undertaken for the category ‘making/supplying articles for use in fraud’. A search resulted in 242 instances of this fraud type from April 2014 onwards.
To retrieve instances of ‘suspicious medical equipment or medicines’ would mean a search of each individual record. This would exceed the appropriate limit of £450.
The appropriate limit has been specified in The Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004 and for non-central Government departments it is set at £450. This represents the estimated cost of one person spending 18 hours in determining whether the Authority holds the information, and locating, retrieving and extracting the information. Under section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act the Authority is not obliged to comply with your request.
- How many calls were made to the reporting centre of the NHS Counter Fraud Authority about suspicious medical equipment or medicines in the reporting year to 2011.
Please refer to the response in (1).
- How many calls were made to the reporting centre of the NHS Counter Fraud Authority about suspicious medical equipment or medicines in the reporting year to 2011.
- How many prosecutions have been launched in relation to a) counterfeit medicines and b) counterfeit medical equipment in each of the past five reporting years.
- How many prosecutions were launched in relation to a) counterfeit medicines and b) counterfeit medical equipment in 2011.
Please refer to the response in (1)
- The estimated value and number of (a) counterfeit medicines and (b) counterfeit medical devices or shipments of equipment seized in each of the past five reporting years.
The information is not held by NHS Counter Fraud Authority.
- Please could you tell me, if known, the top five countries of origin for these seizures.
This information is not held by NHS Counter Fraud Authority