Information requested
Please share with me the total number of unique correspondence cases logged between 1st April 2020 and 31st March 2021 and the percentage of these which were answered on time (only where there is a mandated response time and so this stat will already be tracked and available) for the following areas – Data protection requests (including subject access requests) – Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations – Complaints – Ministerial Correspondence (questions from MPs made on behalf of their constituents)- Parliamentary Questions (questions raised in parliament requiring information from you)- Any other official correspondence type which is logged and tracked. Finally, please confirm which software application is being used to track these requests i.e. Excel, Sharepoint, Access or a specific case management tool- in which case, please state which one.
NHSCFA response
- Data Protection Requests including subject access requests:
- Request for rectification = 1
- Request for Erasure = 1
- Data Subject Access Requests = 4
- All requests were answered within the mandated response time of 1 calendar month.
- All requests are recorded and tracked in Excel.
- Freedom of Information requests = 29
- All requests were answered within the mandated response time of 20 working days.
- All requests are recorded and tracked in Excel.
- Complaints = 4
- Response time for stage 1 complaints is 25 working days and 15 working days for stage 2 complaints. 50% of complaints were answered on time. 50% were not, due to a number of factors including legal advice being sought and challenges relating to the pandemic (for example delayed retrieval of data due to office closures).
- Complaints are recorded and tracked in Excel.
- The NHS Counter Fraud Authority received no ministerial correspondence requests or Parliamentary Questions during the specified period.
- Correspondence directed to our Chief Executive is recorded and tracked in Excel.