Information requested
- What is your spend with external law firms (please provide for the last 4 financial years)?
- Do you use eBilling technology to manage your law firms billing (e.g. systems such as Legal Tracker, Brightflag, Apperio, CT Tymetrix, Mitratech etc.)?
- Who is your Head of Legal or General Counsel (please provide email address)?
- Who is your Head of Procurement (please provide email address)?
- Do you have a law firm panel / preferred supplier list / use a framework to buy your external law firm services? Please provide details where possible.
NHSCFA response
- 2024/25 – nil (year to date)
- 2023/24 - £29k
- 2022/23 - £17k
- 2021/22 - £7k
- No, all payments are made via approved invoices through our financial system.
- NHS Counter Fraud Authority does not have an internal legal team.
We outsource our procurement function so don’t have an internal Head of Procurement. This service provision is managed internally - Frameworks are used to source this service – previous procurement was through Crown Commercial Service - Legal Services Panel Framework (RM6179).