2025-26 Business Plan launched

The NHSCFA has published its Business Plan for 2025 to 2026.

Published: 25 March 2025

Our 2025-26 Business Plan is now live, setting out how the NHSCFA will deliver its key priorities over the coming year. This forms the final part of our 2023-26 Corporate Strategy.

The plan contains details on:

  • how we will deliver against our counter fraud pillars – Understand, Prevent, Respond and Assure
  • reflections over the past year and opportunities over the coming year
  • our integrated approach to delivery and our Delivery Plan for 2025-26

The Business Plan covers everything we aim to cover over the coming year, including the use of technology and data analytics. It outlines how we will continue to strengthen and broaden our relationships with our stakeholders and continue to pursue people who take money out of the NHS fraudulently.

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