NHS student bursary fraud

NHS Student bursary Scheme fraud relates to false applications or the use of false documents to support a bursary application, other NHS funded training or financial support stream.

The NHSCFA estimates that the NHS is vulnerable to £5.4m worth of NHS Bursaries each year. Please see our latest strategic intelligence assessment for more details

The NHS Student Bursary Scheme fraud relates to false applications or the use of false documents to support a bursary application, other NHS funded training or financial support stream.

The NHS Bursary Scheme itself is a program of financial support, administered by NHSBSA Student Services. It supports eligible pre-registration health professional students on courses designated for NHS funding, which include medical and dental students, and non-medical students.

The main fraud types in this category are:

  • Identity fraud.
  • Personal eligibility fraud.
  • Course attendance fraud.
  • Childcare allowance fraud.

For a full list of fraud types in this category, please check NHS employees in fraud definitions.

To assist you on how to spot the signs of student bursary fraud and how to stop this type of fraud, please see below.

Case Study

A student who used three fake passports and invented two dependent children to claim £88,804 in bursary payments was sentenced to 15 months in prison, suspended for two years.

The student pleaded guilty to fraudulently obtaining bursary payments from the NHS by providing forged documents to qualify for course fees and bursary payments. The student was aware that she was not eligible for the courses, the course funding or the bursaries.

How to report fraud

Report any suspicions of fraud or attempted fraud to the NHS Counter Fraud Authority online at https://cfa.nhs.uk/report-fraud or through the NHS Fraud and Corruption Reporting Line 0800 028 4060 (powered by Crimestoppers). All reports are treated in confidence and you have the option to report anonymously. You can also report to your nominated Local Counter Fraud Specialist if you are an NHS employee or contractor.

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