NHS Requirement 7
The organisation has well established and documented reporting routes for staff, contractors and members of the public to report incidents of fraud, bribery and corruption. Reporting routes should include NHSCFA’s Fraud and Corruption Reporting Line and online reporting tool. All incidents of fraud, bribery and corruption are recorded on the approved NHS fraud case management system.
The incident reporting routes are publicised, reviewed, evaluated and updated as required, and levels of staff awareness are measured.
Guidance, supporting documentation and evidence
Organisations should consider the following (the list is not exhaustive):
- The NHSCFA strategy
- NHS Counter Fraud Manual
- The organisation’s counter fraud, bribery and corruption policy
- Links to the NHSCFA online fraud reporting tool https://cfa.nhs.uk/report-fraud
- Materials and supporting evidence to show that the incident reporting routes has been communicated across the organisation
- Evaluation measures such as staff surveys or sample checks
- Evidence of the review of the incident reporting routes and subsequent amendments to it where appropriate