What is Fraud
Fraud is deception carried out for personal gain, usually for money. Fraud can also involve the abuse of a position of trust. By 'NHS fraud' we mean any fraud where the NHS is the victim. While those who commit fraud against the NHS are a small minority, their actions have a serious impact on us all. For a more detailed definition of NHS fraud, please visit the What is NHS fraud? page.
What is the cost of NHS fraud?
We estimate that the NHS is vulnerable to £1.316 billion worth of fraud each year.
Fraud takes taxpayers' money away from patient care and puts into the hands of criminals.
What can you do about fraud in the NHS?
Everyone has a part to play in fighting fraud. Being aware of the risk and remaining vigilant are the most important first steps, followed by knowing how to report fraud.
It is easy to report NHS fraud. You can call our anonymous, 24-hour reporting line on 0800 028 4060 (powered by Crimestoppers) or use our confidential online reporting form.
Who pays for NHS fraud?
When the NHS loses money to fraud, we all bear the cost. Watch our animation to see examples of different types of fraud affecting the NHS, and learn how to report fraud. For more examples of NHS fraud, please visit the What is NHS fraud? page.
Latest News

GovNet Counter Fraud Conference 2025
The NHSCFA is headlining the event in London on Wednesday (12 March).
Race Equality Week 2025
The NHSCFA reiterates its commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
NHS Counter Fraud Community comes together – Conference 2025
The NHS Counter Fraud Conference took place in Leeds on 15 January.
NHSCFA at HFMA’s 2024 annual conference
Several NHSCFA colleagues attended the recent annual conference of the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA)
More information about the NHSCFA
Who we are
Find out about who we are, what we do and who we work with.
Working at the NHSCFA
Find information and current vacancies at the NHSCFA
Counter fraud standards
National standards for NHS bodies' counter fraud work
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