Alyson began her career as a scientist after studying Biochemistry at Oxford University. She trained as a molecular biologist and had a long career with roles in the biotechnology industry, science policy, management consultancy and healthcare investment banking.
Her strong connection with healthcare has drawn a golden thread through her experience and career which includes roles across the public sector.

She recently returned to the UK following several years living and working in Chicago where she was an independent governor of a large academic health system. She continues her governance work in Chicago remotely.
Alyson has a strong commitment to public services and is proud to have held a number of non-executive roles across the sector gaining a wealth of experience. She was also recently appointed as a governor of a large local senior school.
Non Executive Director at Thames Valley Strategic Health Authority
Vice Chair of audit committee at South Central Strategic Health Authority
Chair of audit committee at Oxford Health NHS Trust
Chair of finance and resources committee at Oxford Brookes University
Financial regulation at the Financial Reporting Council
Independent member of the audit committee of the Olympic Lottery Distributor
“It is a privilege to contribute to the missions of such important public services. I think a key challenge is to develop strong engagement across the NHS at this time of major operational demands coupled with re-organisation. I hope that my background and experience working on NHS boards can help give insight into the most effective ways to engage with the Service and the people who work for it.
The NHS is the proudest achievement of our country. I want to see every penny put towards patient care.”
Alyson is married with a grown-up son and lives in Buckinghamshire.