Our integrated approach to delivery

An overview of the NHSCFA's 2024 to 2025 Business Plan.

This plan details the high-level programme of work the NHSCFA will implement during the second year of our three-year strategy. In this year, technology is something we will continue to embrace to facilitate smarter working principles, allowing for a more flexible working environment for our people, whilst continuing to use data to identify areas for collaborative prevention activity across the health sector to strengthen the controls against fraud. We must also remain alert to new and emerging threats that may take precedence over the life of this business plan to safeguard valuable resources from fraudsters who target the NHS.

We will do this by leading a positive and effective reaction to emerging threats; working with our partners to reduce any financial loss to fraud within the health sector. We will utilise a network of trained investigators, prevention specialists, intelligence expertise and data experts across the NHS to realise a direct financial value from enforcement and local proactive activity. We will also target key areas of fraud where we can collaborate and share resources to make the greatest impact on fraud within the NHS.

To fulfil our organisational ambitions, we will continually improve our integrated strategic approach. This will ensure our strategies for estates, finances, digital, data, service provision, prevention, intelligence, enforcement response, business planning and workforce are aligned.

The SIA details the key fraud threats, vulnerabilities and enablers within the NHS. Intelligence also assists us in identifying which priority areas should be our focus for the period of our strategy. It also informs our Control Strategy, which sets out our decisions as to where and how we can have the most effective influence and impact on fraud within the NHS. A combination of the SIA, Control Strategy and integrated planning cycle inform our work to achieve the maximum impact over the life of our Business Plan and 2023 to 2026 Strategy.

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