I work through problems and issues with my team to find effective solutions
I seek and use feedback from our colleagues to improve myself and the team effective I actively engage in all performance discussions to set clear objectives
I make decisions appropriate to my role that benefit the organisation
I define and lead change and continuous improvement

2. Influence and Empowerment
I work with colleagues towards positive outcomes whether inside or outside the NHS CFA
I develop myself and others to be our best
I actively support change as beneficial to individuals and the organisation
I base all decisions on appropriate evidence and check accuracy before I act
I act and represent the NHSCFA in a positive, professional and ethical way at all times.

3. Fairness
I take into account diverse views to create better outcomes
I treat information with the utmost discretion and confidentiality
I comply with all legislation, guidance and policies
I am sensitive and appropriate towards all colleagues
I challenge inappropriate behaviours or language

4. Expertise
I share ideas to develop best practice for the benefit of all
If something is not clear or understood, I ask for clarification,
I know the NHSCFA Strategy and Business Plans and my part in delivering it
I learn from my own and others’ experience and mistakes
I am up to date about current issues and developments within my role, including CPD and professional standards all times.