An evaluation of NHS procurement spending during the COVID-19 pandemic

This report presents findings and recommendations from the Covid-19 PEA exercise, which examined NHS spending behaviours at a local level during the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Image showing two people shaking hands highlighted in orange

    Executive summary

    An overview of the report, provides NHSCFA’s opinion of NHS organisations’ financial governance, assurance and fraud risk management for the periods examined as part of the Covid-19 post event assurance exercise

  • Image showing a contract in a clip boad being handed over

    Contract risk management

    This section provides an overview of where actions were taken by NHS organisations to avoid identified risks within contractual arrangements

  • Image showing a form hilighted in orange bbeing filled out

    Direct award of contracts

    This section provides an overview of how NHS organisations performed and managed their fraud risks during the exceptional period presented by Covid-19

  • Image of hospital ward whit a bed hilighted in orange

    Supplier relief payments

    This section provides an overview of how NHS organisations managed their fraud risks in the application of supplier relief payments to suppliers to ensure service continuity during Covid-19

  • Image of a group of people sat around a table discussing a documet that is spread across the table

    Counter Fraud Action Plan

    Sets out the recommendations and actions to be consider by the sector

  • Image of a person siting at a laptop which is highlighted in orange

    Objective, Scope and Limitations

    This section provides an overview of NHSCFA’s Covid-19 Post Event Assurance project object, its scope and limitations

  • Image of a person sitting in front of a computer screen which is highlighted in orange


    Provides detail of the methodology and analysis used to assess NHS organisations’ financial governance, assurance and fraud risk management for the periods examined as part of the Covid-19 post event assurance exercise

  • Image of a person sitting in front of a computer screen which is highlighted in orange

    Our classification system

    Report classification and rating system

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