Cyber Threats

Cyber threats emanate from a wide range of offenders from opportunist criminals to sophisticated Organised Crime Groups.

  • Image showing highlighted orange padlock ontop of a keyboard

    Social Engineering

    Social engineering is the term used for a broad range of malicious activities accomplished through human interactions. It uses manipulation to trick users into making security mistakes or giving away sensitive information.

  • Image of orange postit not with a password written on it.


    Cyber criminals can get access to your account by using software to guess your password or by trying to trick you into disclosing your password through scams. Creating strong, separate passwords and storing them safely is a good way to protect yourself online.

  • Image of a man viewing a fake website on his laptop.

    Malicious Websites

    A malicious website is a site that attempts to install malware onto your device. They often look like legitimate websites. Phishing emails can contain links to malicious websites. Being aware of what to look out for will help you protect yourself.

  • Image of a laptop.


    Malware (malicious software) is used by criminals to disrupt computer operations and access confidential information. Malware can be installed into your computer through clicking a link in an email, opening an attachment to an email, or by downloading software from a malicious source.

  • Image of a person inputing credit card details into a laptop.

    Payment Diversion Fraud

    Payment Diversion Fraud involves fraudsters creating false invoices or false request for payment, or the diversion of payments in order to defraud you or your organisation.

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