Cyber Fraud

Financially motivated cybercrime which results in fraud. This includes attacks that specifically use data exploitation, stolen or bought, to commit fraud.

  • Image of a padlock on a laptop.

    Cyber Threats

    Cyber threats emanate from a wide range of offenders from opportunist criminals to sophisticated Organised Crime Groups.

  • Image of a padlock ontop of cards stitting on top of a laptop.


    The scale of fraud in the UK against businesses, individuals and public finances continues to increase at a significant pace. The modern face of fraud is increasingly cross border and cyber enabled.

  • Image showing hiligheted orange lock on top of bank cards and a laptop


    A set of straightforward definitions for common cyber security terms.

  • Image of a man sitting on a couch with his laptop and dog

    Cyber Security

    Cyber security is the means by which individuals and organisations reduce the risk of being affected by cyber-crime. It is important to stay safe online to prevent cyber criminals getting hold of our accounts, data, and devices.

  • Image of tablet device.

    Cyber Quiz

    This section contains a quiz to test your knowledge on cyber fraud.

  • Image of tablet device.


    If you are reporting fraud or cybercrime, this section contains information on how to report.

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