
If you are reporting fraud or cybercrime, this section contains information on how to report.

For cyber fraud and cybercrime instances affecting the NHS

NHS Fraud

Report any suspicions of fraud or attempted fraud to the NHS Counter Fraud Authority online at or through the NHS Fraud and Corruption Reporting Line 0800 028 4060 (powered by Crimestoppers).

All reports are treated in confidence and you have the option to report anonymously. You can also report to your nominated Local Counter Fraud Specialist if you are an NHS employee or contractor.

Phishing emails If you are using NHSmail, forward any suspicious emails as an attachment to
Cyber Security Incidents Report any cyber or data security incidents to the NHS Data Security Centre.

For all other instances of fraud and cybercrime

National Cyber Security
Phishing emails If you have received an email which your suspicious about, forward it to the National Cyber Security Centre’s (NCSC) Suspicious Email Reporting Service (SERS):
Suspicious text messages Suspicious text messages should be forwarded to 7726. This free of charge short code enables your provider to investigate the origin of the text and take action, if found to be malicious.
Action Fraud
Reporting fraud or cyber crime If you believe you have been the victim of fraud or identify theft, you should report this directly to Action Fraud either online or via phone 0300 123 2040.

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