NHS Requirement 11
The organisation has an ongoing programme of work to raise awareness of fraud, bribery and corruption and to create a counter fraud, bribery and corruption culture among all staff, across all sites, using all available media. This should cover the role of the NHSCFA, LCFS and the requirements and national implications of Government Counter Fraud Functional Standard providing a standardised approach to counter fraud work.
Content may be delivered through presentations, newsletters, leaflets, posters, intranet pages, induction materials for new staff, emails and other media, making use of the NHSCFA’s fraud awareness toolkit as appropriate. The effectiveness of the awareness programme is measured.
Guidance, supporting documentation and evidence
Organisations should consider the following (the list is not exhaustive):
- The NHSCFA strategy
- Links to NHSCFA’s online fraud reporting tool https://cfa.nhs.uk/report-fraud
- Presentations
- Intranet, extranet and public website materials
- Organisation newsletters and team briefs
- Induction materials
- Leaflets and posters
- Presentation evaluations
- Evidence of where awareness work has been evaluated and changed to maximise its impact
- Learning aims and outcomes
- Staff surveys
- Work plans
- Organisational risk assessments
- Meeting minutes, action points and records of their execution
- Materials in the NHSCFA’s fraud awareness toolkit.