Stakeholder engagement

How stakeholders have shaped our strategic pillars and areas of focus.

Key stakeholders who have shaped our thinking

The development of this strategy provided an opportunity for renewed collaboration and engagement across the counter fraud community and beyond. A key guiding principle in the development of our strategy was the importance of undertaking real and meaningful engagement not just with our own people but with a wide range of external stakeholders to inform the direction of the strategy and the future delivery plans in a meaningful manner. There are several key themes and considerations across all the engagements which have shaped the strategic pillars and actions we will undertake over the life of this strategy.

Our people

To help the organisation think about our strategic aims for 2023-2026, we undertook a number of internal workshops to gather our people’s views. Over the course of the workshops, some consistent considerations and themes emerged:

  • The appropriate response to tackling fraud
  • Use of data key to tackling fraud on a larger scale
  • Sharing and developing intelligence with key stakeholders
  • Having the right capabilities and professionally developed workforce
  • Career pathways
  • More proactive approach to fighting fraud - less reactive
  • Stronger vision and strategic objectives
  • Raising profile as the national body
  • Earlier engagement in consultation of key policy changes / systems in the NHS
  • Improved intergrations of intelligence FRA's and horizon scanning
  • Showing return on investment and wider outcomes
  • Ethical approach key
  • Recognising new and emerging skill sets required i.e.cyber fraud
  • Importance of having the right IT and infrastructure to support the delivery of the strategy
  • Actionable intelligence
  • Counter fraud strategic positioning
  • Opptunities to collaborate
  • Improved engagment across the sector
  • Clarity and consistency of message

Local counter fraud community

In December 2022, we invited Local Counter Fraud Specialists to participate in a webinar to share thoughts around strategic aims, vision, objectives, and over the next three years.

A number of consistent considerations and themes emerged:

  • Understanding of NHS pressures
  • Reciprocal engagment with local counter fraud community
  • Improved local support
  • More championing and sharing success
  • Intelligence sharing and centralised
  • publicity
  • share practice
  • operational support
  • focus on most reported frauds at a local level
  • consistency of approach and message
  • Local priorities and national priorities
  • Operational support
  • Focus on most reported frauds at a local level
  • Fraud Risk Assessments
  • Training support - CPD
  • Communication
  • Better promotion of success stories
  • local priorities and national priorities

Wider stakeholder group

In January 2023, counter-fraud professionals from across the NHS participated in a set of three workshops run by the NHSCFA to share their experience and input into the NHSCFA’s 2023-26 Strategy. Partners across the NHS were brought together to discuss their counter fraud goals and blockers, move towards a data-driven approach to countering fraud, and shape how this strategy can meet the needs of the entire health system.

Over the course of the three workshops, some consistent considerations and themes emerged:

  • Need to raise the profile of fraud across the public sector
  • promote the notion that finding fraud is a good thing Promote the notion that finding fraud is a good thing
  • Appetite for an NHS-wide approach to counter fraud strategy with common standards and agendas
  • A data driven approach should drive more preventative and agile capabilities, potentially through improved tooling like AI
  • Strengthen expertise in fraud risks and prevention within the counter fraud community and across NHS staff
  • Demonstrate the value of a counter fraud function to the NHS
  • focus on formalised, regular collaboration and data/intelligence sharing across organisations
  • NHSCFA to act as leader of a national approach, share guidance and training and develop common frameworks

Our Stakeholders

Image showing three sitting on a bench


Image showing the NHS resolution logo

NHS Resolution

Image showing the NHS resolution logo

Department of Health and Social Care

Image showing the NHS Business Services Authority logo

NHS Business Services Authority

Image showing the CPS logo


Image showing the Human Tissue Authority logo

Human Tissue Authority

Image showing the NHS England logo

NHS England

Image showing the Cabinet Office logo

Cabinet Office

Image showing the GIG Cymru - NHS Wales logo

GIG Cymru - NHS Wales

Image showing the NHS Counter fraud Community logo

NHS Counter fraud Community

Image showing a male and female people icons


Image showing the NHS Shared Buisness Services logo

NHS Shared Buisness Services

Image showing the Care Quality Commission logo

Care Quality Commission

Image showing the NHS Blood and Transplant logo

NHS Blood and Transplant

Image showing the HSC logo


Image showing the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency logo

Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency

Image showing the Action Fraud logo

Action Fraud

Image showing the General Medical Council logo

General Medical Council

Image showing the NHS Scotland logo

NHS Scotland

Image showing the hfma logo


Image showing the Local Government Associations logo

Local Government Associations

Image showing the Llywodraeth Cymru - Welsh Government logo

Llywodraeth Cymru - Welsh Government

Image showing the National Institute for Health and care Excellence logo

National Institute for Health and care Excellence

Image showing the HSE logo


Image showing the UK Health Security Agency logo

UK Health Security Agency

Image showing the Public Sector Fraud Authority logo

Public Sector Fraud Authority

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