Preventing procurement fraud in the NHS

This report presents findings and recommendations from the PO vs non-PO spend exercise, which examined fraud risk vulnerability within NHS spend and identifies savings for NHS provider organisations.

  • Image showing two people shaking hands highlighted in orange

    Executive summary

    An overview of the report, highlighting NHSCFA’s positive impact to influence behavioural change through a campaign of fraud prevention activities in NHS purchase order

  • Image showing highlighted in orange document with the NHS logo on the cover


    The Fraud Prevention Team talks about fraud risk vulnerability in NHS purchase order spend and the introduces the national exercise that focused on reducing the vulnerability

  • Image showing three people, two looking on a laptop and one looking at their phone all discussing a what is on the screen

    Financial vulnerability exposure

    The Fraud Prevention Team discusses the work and analysis undertaken to assess whether fraud prevention activity influenced a reduction in the exposure of the NHS to potential fraud

  • Image of two people discussing somting on a tablet computer that is hilighted in orange

    Influencing behavioural change

    Discusses NHSCFA’s fraud prevention campaign to influence behavioural change across the NHS procurement landscape

  • Image of person typeing on a laptop highlighted in orange

    Recommendations and Action Plan

    Sets out the recommendations and actions to be consider by the sector

  • Image of a person sitting in front of a computer screen which is highlighted in orange


    Provides detail of the methodology and analysis used to assess the impact of fraud prevention activity undertaken during the exercise

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