Meeting date: 20 March 2018
Meeting Venue: 4th Floor Skipton House
Meeting title: NHSCFA Board meeting
- (SH) Simon Hughes (Interim Chair, NHSCFA) (Chair)
- (DR) David Rawsthorn (Interim Non Executive Director, NHSCFA)
- (MJB) Matthew Jordan-Boyd (Interim Director of Finance, NHSCFA)
- (SR) Susan Frith (Interim Chief Executive, NHSCFA)
- (AS) Ann Sturgess (Corporate Governance Manager and Board Secretary, NHSCFA)
- (RR) Richard Rippin (Head of Operations, NHSCFA)
- (MR) Mark Richardson (Interim Deputy Director, Department of Health and Social Care Anti Fraud Unit)
- (RH) Richard Hampton (Head of Intelligence and Crime Reduction, NHSCFA)
None1. Introduction
- 1.1 SH welcomed all to the NHSCFA Board meeting.
2. Declarations of interest
- 2.1 A verbal declaration of interest was made by DR to confirm he is currently a Non Executive Director (NED) at North Cumbria University Hospitals Trust.
3. Minutes and action from NHSCFA Board meeting held 15.02.18
- 3.1 RH updated on Action point 2 from the last meeting (“RH to circulate final version of SIA for sign off by Board by 31st March”). RH confirmed that he hoped to have the final version of the SIA circulated by next week.
- 3.2 The minutes of the last NHSCFA Board meeting on 15 February 2018 were agreed for sign off. DR recommended that an additional log of actions arising from Board meetings be provided in future for ease of reference. Action point 1: List of actions arising from future Board meetings to be circulated in conjunction with the minutes.
Reports and matters arising
4. NHSCFA Business Plan 2018/19
- 4.1 RH outlined the redrafted version of the NHSCFA 2018-19 Business Plan including the incorporation of feedback from DHSC AFU and metrics and targets.
- 4.2 It was agreed that DR would serve as Board representative to lead the targeted local engagement group included on page 17 of the NHSCFA Business plan.
- 4.3 The content of the draft NHSCFA Business Plan 2018/19 was noted by the Board.
5. Internal Audit
- 5.1 SF presented the draft NHSCFA Internal Audit plan and gave an overview of the 10 proposed audits by GIAA. DR noted that he had given Zafir Ali sight of the plan and that the final version would need to be approved by the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC)/ SH enquired about the production of metrics - DR remarked that he would ask Zafir about Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) at the next ARC.
- 5.2 The content of the draft Internal Plan was noted by the Board.
6. Finance Report
- 6.1 MJB outlined the updated the meeting on the current NHSCFA financial position and noted that the allocation for 2019/20 and 2020/21 is yet to be confirmed. MJB reported that he anticipates the amount allocated to be as requested and that there has been no indication that the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) will have an impact on the position. MR advised that he would provide formal confirmation from the Department of Health and Social Care (DH&SC) as soon as possible.
- 6.2 MJB reported that the National Audit Office (NAO) have commenced testing NHSCFA audit preparation for 2017/18. Initial testing has identified a number of issues relating to opening balances. MJB noted that a review of NHSCFA assets was being undertaken to reconcile against items identified within the organisations transfer documents. MJB advised that the issue may be a potential corporate risk to consider.
- 6.3 The forecast position on revenue and capital funding for 2017/18, current position of revenue and capital funding requirements for 2018 to 2012 and audit feedback requiring management action were noted by the Board.
7. Operational Performance update
- 7.1 SF presented the redrafted Operational Performance update. The Board provided feedback on the revised version and suitability of content ahead of the Q4 submission due at the next Board meeting. The Board agreed the redrafted version met their requirements.
- 7.2 The Board noted the Operational Performance update.
8. Operations report (investigations)
- 8.1 SF presented the Operational Performance update. At the last meeting the Board had requested an additional operational report which provided a summary of anonymised investigations to help provide a snapshot of operational activity within NHSCFA. SF asked whether the report met the Board’s requirements. The Board agreed they were happy with the report but noted that it would be useful to have an inclusion of timelines for cases opened and closed.
- 8.2 The Operational report on investigations was noted by the Board.
9. Annual report update
- 9.1 RR updated on the draft framework for the NHSCFA Annual Report and Accounts 2017-18. RR reported that the Leadership Team (LT) have been asked to provide ‘success stories’ and activity against the five key objectives following the launch of the NHSCFA in November 2017.
- 9.2 RR noted that the annual report will continue to be developed and will be reviewed at the next LT meeting. Following this both the ARC and Board will have sight of the report before it is published. RR added that he would also consult with MR to ensure the report is aligned with the DH&SC strategy.
- 9.3 The draft annual report was noted by the Board.
10. Corporate Risks update
- 10.1 AS presented the Corporate Risks update. DR recommended that a list of corporate risks be added as an appendix in future to provide an at a glance summary. The Board agreed that the way in which the wider organisation considers and captures risks may need to be reviewed. AS added that updated software to facilitate the process is being considered.
- 10.2 AS will discuss the Corporate Risk Register with the LT next week focussing discussions around assurances and mitigations. AS added that this would inform the process for establishing risk appetite.
- 10.3 The Corporate Risks update was noted by the Board.
11 Cyber Crime Risks
- 11.1 The Board discussed NHSCFA Cyber Crime Risks. MJB highlighted that contractual management may need to be considered and if appropriate added to the Corporate Risk Register.
- 11.2 The meeting discussed the requirement to have a Board member named as a senior executive responsible for data and cyber in addition to RH acting as the existing Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO). Action point 2: Named senior executive on Board to be responsible for data and cyber to be agreed at the next Board meeting.
- 11.3 The GIAA Cyber audit was noted by the Board.
12. Any other Business
- 12.1 MR provided an update on the new Minister of State for the DH&SC, Stephen Barclay and reported that initial meetings have been extremely positive with the minister taking keen interest in fraud matters and keen to engage and support the work of the NHSCFA. MR noted that he is contact with the ministers Private Secretary who will be providing a list of information they would like from the NHSCFA to help raise its profile. Action point 3: MR to liaise with Ministers Private Secretary and advise SMT of information requested from NHSCFA.
- 12.2 The Board thanked Purdy Sian Davies and her team for organising the first NHSCFA staff conference. The Board also thanked Arun Chauhan for facilitating the event. Action point 4: formal thanks to be provided to Arun Chauhan for facilitating the NHSCFA staff conference.
- 12.3 The Board agreed that it would be useful to provide some soundbites from them about the NHSCFA staff conference for G02.
13. Date of next meeting
- 13.1 11am, 24 May 2018 (Skipton House, London).