Meeting date: 25 September 2018
Meeting Venue: 1st Floor Skipton House
Meeting title: NHSCFA Board meeting (Public Meeitng)
Attendees (Board members):
- (TT) Tom Taylor– (Chair of the NHSCFA Board)
- (MJB) Matthew Jordan-Boyd (Interim Director of Finance, NHSCFA)
- (SR) Susan Frith (Interim Chief Executive, NHSCFA)
- (RH) Richard Hampton (Head of Intelligence and Crime Reduction, NHSCFA)
- (RR) Richard Rippin (Head of Operations, NHSCFA)
- (AS) Ann Sturgess (Corporate Governance Manager and Board Secretary, NHSCFA)
- (PG) Paul Golightly (Director, Department of Health and Social Care Anti Fraud Unit )
- (FM) Note taker (NHSCFA)
- (DR) David Rawsthorn (Interim Non Executive Director, NHSCFA)
1. Introduction
- 1.1 TT welcomed all to the NHSCFA Public Board meeting. Formal thanks were given to all those who had contributed to all the areas of work demonstrated in the CFA Annual Report. TT confirmed he was looking forward to a bright future woking with the CFA. TT confirmed recruitment was in progress for appointing to the remaining Non Executure positions.
2. Declarations of interest
- 2.1 TT & MJB confimed declarations remained unchanged from those disclosed.
3. Presentations were noted:
- Setting up the NHSCFA & Review of Performance; Susan Frith Chief Executive Officer (interim)
- Review of Annual Accounts; Matt Jordan-Boyd Director of Finance & Corporate Governance
4 All present were invited to askquestions in open forum. None were raised.
Meeting was formally closed.