NHSCFA Board meeting 5th September 2018

Minutes of NHSCFA Board meeting - FCG-BOA-MIN - Meeting – 05.09.18

Meeting date: 5 September 2018

Meeting Venue: 4th Floor Skipton House

Meeting title: NHSCFA Board meeting

Attendees (Board members):

  • (DR) David Rawsthorn (Interim Non Executive Director, NHSCFA)
  • (MJB) Matthew Jordan-Boyd (Director of Finance, NHSCFA)
  • (SR) Susan Frith (Interim Chief Executive, NHSCFA)


  • (RH) Richard Hampton (Head of Intelligence and Crime Reduction, NHSCFA)
  • (AS) Ann Sturgess (Corporate Governance Manager and Board Secretary, NHSCFA)
  • (RR) Richard Rippin (Head of Operations, NHSCFA)
  • (PG) Paul Golightly (Director, Department of Health and Social Care Anti Fraud Unit)


  • (TT) Tom Taylor (Interim Chair, NHSCFA) (Chair)
  • (DT) Davina Teeluck ( Staff Engagement Group representative – Observer)

1. Introduction

  • 1.1 DR welcomed all to the NHSCFA Board meeting.

2. Declarations of interest

  • 2.1 There were no declarations of interest.

3 Minutes and action from NHSCFA Board meeting held 11.07.18

  • 3.1 The minutes of the last NHSCFA Board meeting on 11 July were agreed. It was agreed that actions 3 and 8 from the last meeting would be carried over to the next meeting.
  • 3.2 DR thanked AS for her work on the Annual Report.

Reports and matters arising

4 Operational Performance

  • 4.1 SF provided an interim update on operational performance against the business plan ahead of the production of the Q2 performance report for 2018-19. SF gave an overview of progress of priority areas and confirmed that work is underway with the NHSBSA and NHS England’s publicity on the pharmacy reward scheme. Work is also being undertaken with Scotland and Wales on pharmacy contractors.
  • 4.2 SF confirmed that fraud reporting, website hits and social media have all increased. Other areas of progress include the A-Z of fraud, the establishment of an LCFS engagement group and a CLUE 2 super user group. The first Fraud Prevention Notice has also been issued.
  • 4.3 The Board noted the position.

5. Operations Report

  • 5.1 RR reported on the current live criminal investigations being undertaken by National Investigation Service (NIS). RR noted that since 31 May 2018 the NHSCFA Tactical Tasking and Group have assessed 2 referrals as meeting the criteria of serious and complex fraud and therefore appropriate for investigation.
  • 5.2 RR reported that Operational Leo is due in court on Monday with the defendant expected to plead guilty. RR confirmed that an update on Operation Leo will be provided in November.
  • 5.3 DR requested that future operations updates include a summary to give an overview of the current position and how it has changed since last reported.
  • 5.4 It was agreed that operational reporting mechanisms to the Board would need to be considered. Action point 1: RR and MJB to discuss best way of providing operational reports to the Board which are to include a summary.
  • 5.5 RR to explore reporting the value of fraud reporting. Action point 2: SMT to agree how to report on the value of fraud reporting for the Board.
  • 5.6 The report was noted

6. Finance Report

  • 6.1 MJB presented the Finance report. A fuller version of the report had been considered by the Audit and Risk committee on 22 August. The report was discussed and noted.
  • 6.2 MJB noted that there had been some budget underspends which had been utilised to offset the delayed receipt of good and services, such as course fees and exhibition costs during 2017/18.
  • 6.3 MJB advised that the allocation for the 2018/19 Agenda for Change pay award as agreed by the DH & SC AFU is to be agreed. Whilst the capital spend for £2 million for projects is at implementation stage, it was noted that formal confirmation of the allocation was still awaited from DHSC.
  • 6.4 MJB noted that any escalations in terms of finance would be raised to the Board.

    There were none at present.

7. Audit and Risk Committee

  • 7.1 Subject to a couple of minor amendments the ARC minutes of 22 August were agreed by the Board.
  • 7.2 DR gave an overview of items covered at the ARC and highlighted one action related to preparations for Brexit for further discussion.
  • 7.3 DR noted that the committee had been made aware that due to some procedural issues the annual report and accounts had not yet been laid before Parliament.

    There was concern that if this was not done shortly the audit might have to be reopened. AS agreed to keep the board noted on progress.

8. Update from CFA data security Board Lead

  • 8.1 MJB reported that he would provide an update at the next LT meeting.

9. Any other business

  • 9.1 DR reported that the recruitment to Non Exec Director posts for the Board is underway.
  • 9.2 DR highlighted that the first NHSCFA Public Board meeting will be held on 25 September.
  • 9.3 DR noted that the ARC had asked the LT to consider Brexit preparations and any potential impact on the organisation. RH noted that he has drafted a paper to address this. It was agreed that this would be incorporated in the risk management process. Action point 3: RH to send Brexit paper to SMT for circulation and collation of responses which will be fed back to the Board.
  • 9.4 SF reported that the Head of Business Support post advertisment has gone live.

    TB will assist with interviews.

10. Date of next meetings

  • 10.1 25th September 2018 (public meeting) 31st October 2018.

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