NHSCFA Board meeting 30th January 2019

Minutes of NHSCFA Board meeting - FCG-BOA-MIN - Meeting – 30.01.19

Meeting date: 30 January 2019

Meeting Venue: Cheylesmore House, Coventry

Meeting title: NHSCFA Board meeting

Attendees (Board members):

  • (TT) Tom Taylor– (Chair of the NHSCFA Board)
  • (SF) Susan Frith (Interim Chief Executive, NHSCFA)
  • (JS) Jayne Scott (Audit Committee Chair, NHSCFA)
  • (CS) Professor Carl Stychin (Non Executive Director, NHSCFA)
  • (MS) Martin Spencer (Non Executive Director, NHSCFA)


  • (MJB) Matthew Jordan-Boyd (Director of Finance, NHSCFA)
  • (AS) Ann Sturgess (Corporate Governance Manager and Board Secretary, NHSCFA)
  • (RH) Richard Hampton (Head of Intelligence and Crime Reduction, NHSCFA)
  • (PG) Paul Golightly (Director, Department of Health and Social Care Anti Fraud Unit )
  • (FM) Freedom Mackay (Note taker - NHSCFA)
  • (DT) Davina Teeluck (Staff Engagement Group observer)

1. Welcome

  • 1.1 TT welcomed all to the NHSCFA Board meeting.

2. Apologies

  • 2.1 (RR) Richard Rippin (Head of Operations, NHSCFA) was noted as an apology.

3. Declarations of interest

  • 3.1 TT confirmed that there were no further declarations of interest.
  • 3.2 TT highlighted that he had not extended his role as Wales Consumer for Water Chairman and Audit & Risk Committee member Government.

4. Minutes for approval

  • 4.1 The Board reviewed the minutes of the last Board meeting and accepted them as a true record, subject to a number of corrections to the lists of declaration of interest and some minor typos.

5. Action log

  • 5.1 The Board reviewed the action log and updated accordingly.

6. Updates:

  • 6.1 Update from the Chairperson
    • 6.1.1 TT welcomed all to the Board meeting.
    • 6.1.2 TT proposed that he would open the NHSCFA Staff Conference, CS would close it and that there would be a session allocated to the 3 NEDs with the contents to be finalised. The Board agreed that they were happy with the proposed arrangements. TT asked DT to feedback to the Staff Engagement Group (SEG) for information. Action point 10: DT to feedback proposed outline of Board involvement at the Staff Conference to the SEG.
    • 6.1.3 JS advised that the ToR for the ARC would be discussed at the next ARC and presented to the next Board meeting. Action point 11: JS to provide ARC ToR at the Extraordinary Board full Board meeting on 6.3.19.
    • 6.1.4 TT advised that as from 10 January Nicola Blackwood has replaced Lord O’ Shaughnessy as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Health.
    • 6.1.5 TT noted that he has been invited to 10 Downing Street as part of a Reception for Government NEDS which would provide a potential network opportunity.
    • 6.1.6 TT advised that as the full Board is now in place the recruitment process for a permanent CEO will commence. TT thanked AS’s support in submitting the required Business Case to the DH & SC. TT advised that he would confirm interview dates (expected to be held in March) and suggested that the Chairman and Deputy Chairman sit on the interview panel (with AS providing support during the recruitment process).
  • 6.2 Finance report
    • 6.2.1 MJB confirmed the current financial position as of 31 December 2018. MJB explained that there had been a revision to the figure in paragraph 2 in relation to 2018/19 performance against the budget and would circulate the amended figures to the Board. Action point 12: MJB to circulate amended finance report figure to the Board.
    • 6.2.2 MJB advised that the DHSC has requested all ALBs including NHSCFA to identify areas of discretionary expenditure that could be put on hold to help support the DH&SC’s financial position. MJB confirmed that he had provided the required information and as a result the DH & SC has asked that the CFA delay the proposed area of discretionary spend. MJB outlined the proposed discretionary spend as at 31 December 2018 and noted that he did not expect this to have a detrimental impact on the organisation.
    • 6.2.3 MJB advised that he would be meeting with the DHSC to agree 2019/20 budget setting and NHSCFA’s requirements for additional funds. MJB will advise the Board of the outcome of the negotiations. Action point 13: MJB to advise of 2019/20 budget once confirmed with DHSC at the Extraordinary Board meeting on 27 February 2019.
    • 6.2.4 The Board agreed the finance report.
  • 6.3 NED updates
    • 6.3.1 NEDs agreed that the Board training day held on 25.1.19 had been very useful and thanked those involved.
    • 6.3.2 CS confirmed he had been on the panel for the Director of Performance role and confirmed that Rachael Monaghan was the successful candidate. CS noted that due to her notice period Rachael was not expected in post until May. The Board agreed it would be useful in the interim for Rachael to attend an SMT and the NHSCFA Staff Conference. SF thanked CS for assisting on the interview panel. Action point 14: SF to invite Rachael Monaghan to SMT and NHSCFA Staff conference.
  • 6.4 Operational (performance) report
    • 6.4.1 SF updated the Board on the operational performance position. The Board reviewed through the slides and provided feedback. SF agreed that she would incorporate their comments.
    • 6.4.2 The Board agreed that it would be useful for the next phase of their induction to focus on developing knowledge of operational processes within NHSCFA. It was agreed that the internal criteria for tasking of cases would be shared with the Board. Action point 15: AS to share internal criteria for tasking with the Board to aid their understanding of operational processes in the organisation.
    • 6.4.3 The Board discussed the impending BBC Fraud Squad series featuring NHSCFA, due to be aired on BBC1. AS agreed to provide a briefing for comms to PG. Action point 16: AS to provide briefing for comms in advance of the airing of Fraud Squad series on BBC1.
  • 6.5 Operational (investigations) report
    • 6.5.1 SF provided an update on operational investigative activity and recent and forthcoming cases of interest in RR’s absence. TT recommended the addition of an executive summary to the report.

      Action point 17: RR to include executive summary with operational investigations report.

    • 6.5.2 SF advised that she would report back to TT on the outcomes of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)/NHSCFA Liaison meeting.
  • 6.6 SIA
    • 6.6.1 The Board provided feedback on the SIA. The Board suggested that more positive language be used in the executive summary. Action point 18: RH to circulate via AS a redrafted executive summary for the SIA via email to the Board for comment by the end of next week.
    • 6.6.2 The Board discussed the future development of the SIA. SF asked the Board for input with forward planning of the document. The Board agreed they would assist. Action point 19: RH to provide Board with proposed format of the SIA for next year for consideration at the March Board meeting.

7. Committee Updates

  • 7.1 JS noted that the ARC minutes would be ready for sign off at the February Board meeting. Action point 20: AS to provide ARC minutes for Board meeting in February for sign off.
  • 7.2 MS advised that the first REMCO meeting had been held. MS thanked all for their attendance and confirmed that minutes would be circulated. MS confirmed that the ToR has been agreed. The REMCO will meet twice yearly along with an extraordinary REMCO to coincide with the Board one. MS highlighted that the next REMCO meeting would be held on 7 September 2019.

8. Matters arising

  • 8.1 MJB provided an update on CFA/data security and advised that there were no issues to raise.
  • 8.2 SF updated on the findings of the Staff Survey comparison against the civil service staff survey and agreed that there were lessons to be learned going forward. SF noted that a management response has been circulated to all staff via the intranet. Action point 21 : AS to identify timeline for reporting against actions in the management response.
  • 8.3 JS commented to remind those present that the NHSCFA was still a very new entity. TT offered to contact key strategic HR contacts to provide external input into future surveys. Action point 22: TT to contact HR contact and update the Board.
  • 8.4 JS queried who within the CFA is responsible for HR liaison with the BSA. SF confirmed HR services are purchased via the BSA MoU. Action point 23: SF to clarify role of the organisational development team in relation to HR liaison.
  • 8.5 SF outlined the paper detailing the projected target data requirements of the NHSCFA, the early inclusion of Governance and Assurance as an internal stakeholder to ensure effective development of Information Sharing Agreements and concepts of data management as detailed in the Data Strategy 2018-20. The Board provided feedback. Action point 24: SF to request the paper is further expanded to include: who within CFA has accountability to obtain data sets; who has the action to obtain/maintain the data sets; an update on the progress/target date to obtain the data sets.
  • 8.6 AS reported that she would be meeting with OD to discuss arrangements for the CFA Staff Conference. AS advised that work is progressing and she will update the Board accordingly.
  • 8.7 AS provided an update on the Corporate Risk Register Review. It was agreed that details of entries would be included in the Board Assurance report for the Audit & risk Committee being held 14.2.19. The Board agreed the need for an annual review by the Board.
  • 8.8 TT requested that ‘Meeting Review’ be added as a standing agenda item to ensure the ongoing development of Board meetings. Action point 25: ‘Meeting Review’ to be added to future Board meetings.
  • 8.9 The Board commented that the papers to the Board had provided a good level of detail and were set at the right level. SF agreed she would feed this back.

9. Date of next meeting

  • 9.1 27 February 2019, Skipton House, London.

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