NHSCFA Board Terms of Reference

This page describes the operating terms of the NHSCFA board

Published: 22 March 2024

Version: 2.5

Table of contents

  1. Terms of Reference - Purpose
  2. Duties
  3. Members
  4. Attendees
  5. Quorum
  6. Meeting Arrangements


The main aims of the Board are:

  • to formulate strategy to lead the NHS Counter Fraud Authority (NHSCFA) in implementing a clear vision
  • to ensure accountability by holding the NHSCFA to account for the delivery of strategic objectives and by seeking assurance that systems controls are robust and reliable
  • to shape a positive culture for the NHSCFA and support the development of the workforce

Members will act with to promote the success of NHSCFA

The Board is authorised to take decisions on behalf of the NHSCFA and to obtain outside independent professional advice of outsiders with relevant experience and expertise if they consider this to be necessary. Further details are set out in Matters Reserved to the Board.



The Board:

  • approves the strategic vision, aim and objectives and reviews the resources required to meet these
  • reviews the performance and achievements against objectives ensuring corrective action is taken where required
  • approves the annual business plan
  • approves the Annual Report & Accounts


The Board provides leadership to NHSCFA by;

  • ensuring the vision and strategy are clear and are implemented with effective controls enabling risks to be identified and managed
  • supporting the development of the workforce


The Board supports the development of the culture within NHSCFA by;

  • ensuring the behaviour of the Board is consistent with the NHSCFA Values and Behaviours framework: Leading Integrity, Fairness and Expertise LIFE.
  • ensuring the above are clearly communicated to the workforce

Governance & Risk management

The Board shall:

  • ensure the NHSCFA has integrated governance and risk management arrangements in place and internal controls are maintained to meet accountability arrangements
  • ensure that sound procedures are in place in respect of the reporting and management of risks
  • ensure compliance with the principles of corporate governance and relevant codes of conduct
  • review and approved Standing Orders and Standing Financial Instructions as a means to regulate the conduct and transactions of NHSCFA business
  • ensure the functions of the NHSCFA are effectively delivered
  • ensure submission and publication as required of mandatory returns and the Annual Report & Accounts
  • undertake a self assessment on an annual basis and consider, at the end of each meeting, its effectivene in discharging its responsibilities as set out in these Terms of Reference


The Board shall:

  • establish and maintain Board Committees as set out in the NHSCFA Standing Orders


The following make up the Board:

  • Chairperson
  • Not less than three members who are not officers of the Authority
  • At least two but not more than three members who are officers of the Authority which must include the Chief Executive Officer and Director of Finance

Members will declare any conflicts of interest not previously notified prior to each Board meeting.


The following are usually expected to attend Board meetings in addition to the members:

  • Department of Health & Social Care sponsor representative
  • Board Secretary
  • Minute taker

The Board may require the attendance of any director, or member of staff, to discuss and review any area it considers relevant.


The meeting will be quorate if three or more members are present or one third of the membership, whichever is the greater number (the Chairperson is included in this number).

Meeting Arrangements

The Board will meet at least six times per annum, scheduled to allow the discharge of all its responsibilities.

The Board shall be supported by the Board Secretary

The agenda will be agreed with the Chairperson before being issued.

Agendas and papers will be circulated at least one week prior to the meeting.

Draft minutes of the meeting will be available for the Chairperson’s review within one week of the meeting.

The Terms of Reference are to be agreed by the Board and reviewed annually.

The Board will maintain a forward planner showing the annual work programme.

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