Pre-election guidance

Following the announcement by the Prime Minister calling a general election on Thursday 4 July the pre-election period began at 00.01 on 25 May.

Published: 28 May 2024

Following the announcement by the Prime Minister calling a general election on Thursday 4 July the pre-election period began at 00.01 on 25 May. This period is due to end on Friday 5 July.

The NHSCFA is required to follow the Cabinet Office General Election guidance GENERAL ELECTION GUIDANCE 2024 ( NHS England has also produced guidance specifically for NHS organisations NHS England » Pre-election guidance for NHS organisations – General Election 2024

During the pre-election period, previously referred to as ‘purdah’, specific restrictions are placed on the use of public resources and the communication activities of public bodies, civil servants, and local government officials. This is designed to avoid the actions of public bodies distracting from or having influence on election campaigns.

The NHSCFA will continue to provide updates on essential, factual and operational information.

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