NHSCFA Board meeting 13th January 2021

Minutes of NHSCFA Board meeting - FCG-BOA-MIN - Meeting – 13.01.21

Meeting time 11:00 – 13:00

Meeting title: NHSCFA Board Meeting


  • (TT)Tom Taylor (Chairperson)
  • (MS) Martin Spencer (Non Executive Director)
  • (JS) Jayne Scott (Non Executive Director)
  • (SF) Susan Frith (Chief Executive, NHSCFA)
  • (MJB) Matthew Jordan-Boyd (Director of Finance &Corporate Governance, NHSCFA)
  • (TM) Tricia Morrison (Director of Performance & Improvement NHSCFA)


  • (PG) Paul Golightly (Deputy Director, DHSC AFU)
  • (AS) Ann Sturgess (Corporate Governance Manager and Board Secretary, NHSCFA)
  • (KK) Kiranjeet Kaur (Governance & Assurance Assistant, NHSCFA) Minute Taker


  • (CS) Ceri Shorton (People Engagement Group NHSCFA)
  • (TB) Tracey Beastall (Information Management Officer)

Apologies received:



TT welcomed all to the NHSCFA Board meeting.


No apologies were received.

Declarations of interest

No new declarations of interest were made. JS confirmed she had updated her declarations of interest form to include appointment as a NED for the Scottish Government. The Board noted this does not present a conflict of interest.

Minutes of Board Meeting 25.11.20 and Public Board meeting 08.01.21

The Board agreed both sets of minutes as a true record.

Action log

The Board reviewed the action log and updated it accordingly.

General update from the Chair

TT provided a verbal update to the Board. TT confirmed attendance at the Christmas events hosted by the People Engagement Group, which had provided good fun and a diversion away from the current situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

TT confirmed attendance with SF & PG at the DHSC accountability meeting which was the first attended by the new DHSC Finance Director. The Board noted the main focus of this was on strengthening the case for increased funding.

TT thanked Martin Spencer for acting as Chair at the Public Board meeting on 8.1.21 and thanked all those involved in preparing for this.

TT confirmed there has been a good level of interest in respect of the NED roles currently being advertised. The initial sift is scheduled for early February.

The Board noted PG will be taking a secondment role with Dept for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Attendance at the NHSCFA Board & ARAC meetings will be covered by the DHSC AFU.

General updates from NEDS

JS reflected on the impact the latest Covid-19 restrictions are having, highlighting the importance of ensuring NHSCFA continues to support the people. The Board supported all the actions taken to date to address concerns and support wellbeing.

MS agreed with the above confirming support for continuing with working from home arrangement, once the lockdown is lifted, whilst risks to our people is reassessed.

MS reminded the Board he has previously attended a DHSC REMCO and requested PG to identify if an invite could be extended again.

Action point 107- PG to enquire whether an invitation to DHSC REMCO can be extended to MS in the near future.

Annual report & accounts & public meeting – to note

The Board formally noted the Annual Report & Accounts were‘laid’ and published.

First Board Q&A session via teams - update

The Board discussed the upcoming informal Q&A session; it was decided how to structure the meeting and allocate questions from those submitted in advance.

REMCO – verbal update

MS provided an overview of key points discussed at REMCO which met immediately prior to the Board. MS confirmed focus areas for discussion were the progress on workforce planning and the initial results from the spotlight survey.

ARAC – verbal update from meeting

JS provided an overview of the recent deep dive on cyber threats and the ARAC which took place on the 7.1.21 and 12.1.21. The Board noted the positive approach to the deep dive.

JS provided an overview of key points discussed at the ARAC. Key areas discussed were the GIAA audit reports on Contract Management and Key Financial controls which received an assurance rating of moderate and substantial. Progress against the implementation of Audit and Governance and Assurance recommendations were also reviewed. The Board noted the positive progress in this area.

JS highlighted the ARAC had reviewed the risk appetite statement and agreed no change at the current time, but recommended a workshop for the Board is arranged for March to allow time to discuss and reflect on this and the risk landscape for NHSCFA as business planning for 2021-22 is finalised.

Action point 108 – AS to arrange a Board risk workshop for March 2021

Finance update (paper 1)

The Board noted & approved the finance report. MJB confirmed that the current position at month 9 showed the forecasted deficit had moved from 400k to 300k.

MJB confirmed discussions with DHSC regarding future funding were ongoing. The Board noted this is directly linked to workforce planning.

TT confirmed the financial position was discussed at the DHSC/CFA Accountability meeting.

Integrated business planning 21-22 (paper 2)

TM provided an overview of the progress on integrated planning and explained the progress to date as well as the approach and delivery plan. The Board noted the delivery of the strategy is based on a fully funded establishment and therefore there is a risk to delivery due to the current financial position. The Board discussed these challenges and noted the need to prioritise resources.

The Board noted the draft 20-21 Business plan will be added to the agenda on the 5.2.21 and an additional Board meeting will be arranged for 22.2.21 for final review. See action point 111.

Formal Succession plan for the Board and its sub-committees

The Board noted the succession plan and cover for the ARAC and REMCO meetings. TT to discuss and identify a formal nomination to act as Chair in his absence following the change in the NED members and update AS accordingly.

Action Point 109 - TT to confirm to AS the formal nomination to act as Chair in his absence to allow the succession plan to be updated.

Strategic Risk update (paper 4)

The Board noted this paper which was discussed by the ARAC on 12.1.21.

Operations report (paper 5)

RR provided an overview of the Operations report. The Board noted the number of cases due to go to court in the next 12-18 months and the impact on the resources this may have.

The Board noted the current activity and the impact of Covid-19. Thanks were given to RR and the National Investigation Team for managing the challenges caused by the pandemic.

Board Effectiveness report (paper 6)

The Board noted the content and agreed to discuss further.

Action point 110 – AS to arrange a TEAMS meeting to discuss the findings of the Board Effectiveness report further after the Stakeholder Engagement Plan has been finalised (potentially amalgamate with action point 108).

Review of forward planner (paper 13)

The Board agreed to add the 2021-22 Business Plan to the forward planner for the meeting scheduled for 5.2.21 and increase the length of the meeting.

Action point 111 – AS to add 2021-22 Business Plan to the forward plan & agenda for the 5.2.21 and increase the length of the meeting.

The Board agreed to add a further meeting to the forward plan for 22.2.21 to complete the final review of the 2021-22 Business Plan.

Action point 112 – AS to add a further meeting to the forward plan for 22.2.21 to complete the final review of the 2021-22 Business Plan.

Board Blog volunteer

It was confirmed MS would complete the Board blog for Go2 and TT volunteered to compile the next Board blog.

Review of effectiveness of the meeting

TT thanked all for attending the meeting and thanked the observers. TT gave specific acknowledgement to KK for supporting the Board and wished her well for the future.

Date of next Meeting: 5.2.21

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