NHSCFA Board meeting 14th October 2020

Minutes of NHSCFA Board meeting - FCG-BOA-MIN - Meeting – 14.10.20

Meeting date: 14.10.20

Meeting time/venue: 13:00-14:30 by Teams

Meeting title: NHSCFA Board Meeting


  • (TT)Tom Taylor (Chairperson, NHSCFA)
  • (CS) Professor Carl Stychin (Non Executive Director)
  • (MS) Martin Spencer (Non Executive Director)
  • (JS) Jayne Scott (Non Executive Director)
  • (SF) Susan Frith (Chief Executive, NHSCFA)
  • (MJB) Matthew Jordan-Boyd (Director of Finance & Corporate Governance, NHSCFA)
  • (TM) Tricia Morrison (Director of Performance & Improvement NHSCFA)


  • (PG) Paul Golightly (Deputy Director, DHSC AFU)
  • (AS) Ann Sturgess (Corporate Governance Manager and Board Secretary, NHSCFA)
  • (KK) Kiranjeet Kaur (Governance & Assurance Assistant, NHSCFA) Minutes


  • (HF) Helen Fox (Staff Engagement Group, NHSCFA) Observer

Apologies received:


1. Welcome

  • 1.1 TT welcomed all to the NHSCFA Board meeting and special welcome was given to HF, SEG observer.

2. Apologies

  • 2.1 No apologies made.

3. Declarations of interest

  • 3.1 No new declarations of interest were made with existing declarations confirmed as current. JS stated her declarations will require updating and will complete a new form.

AP95 – AS – To email JS a declaration of interest form to review.

4. Minutes of Board Meeting 17.07.20

  • 4.1 The Board agreed the previous meetings minutes as a true record subject to minor amendments.

5. Action log

  • 5.1 The Board reviewed the action log and updated it accordingly.

6. General update from the Chair (paper 1)

  • 6.1 TT provided an update to the Board, TT confirmed all NEDs appraisals had been completed on time and objectives have been set for 20-21. Further details around recent government appointments were provided.

7. General updates from NEDS

  • 7.1 CS provided an update on the TECA awards, confirming judging had been completed and CS has been asked to present an award remotely.
  • 7.2 JS focused on the organisation’s support to colleagues through the continuous working from home period and to recognise the longevity of this and the impact it may have. Also, to consider how the UK is operating with its Covid response as different regions/areas are dealt with locally.
  • 7.3 MS provided an update on the impact of Covid on the other organisations he is associated with to share experiences. MS also highlighted Companies House’s remit changing which may provide an increased opportunities for partnership working with the NHSCFA.

8 Update from ARAC (paper 2)

  • 8.1 Minutes for ARAC dated 24.7.20 were noted.
  • 8.2 JS provided an update from the ARAC meeting held on 28.9.20 including the following:
    • The NAO have experienced further slippage with the external audit due to resource pressures associated with completion of the group accounts. The NAO feedback that the audit process has been a huge improvement from previous years was noted.
    • NHSCFA finance challenges have increased due to the current climate.
    • The internal audit plan is on track with positive feedback from GIAA. The Clue project delivery has been restructured and is being effectively managed.
    • The current risk appetite was reviewed and remains appropriate for NHSCFA however will continue to be closely monitored.
  • 8.3 TT thanked MJB and team for all the hard work for turning around the external audit in comparison to previous years.


  • 9.1 MS provided a verbal update from the earlier REMCO meeting:
    • GIAA had completed the workforce planning audit, all recommendations had been accepted and a plan to implement these through Q3/4 was in place. Further clarity is required around the spending review to progress the final scenarios under discussion.
    • Remco noted the spotlight people survey had commenced to timetable.
    • It was noted the update on performance management and the need to support people’s development.
    • The update given on the leadership programme progress was noted.

10. Finance Report (paper 3)

  • 10.1 MJB discussed the following from the Finance Report:
    • MJB provided the end of August position, due to the date of the meeting the end of September position was provided verbally.
    • Month 6 position currently shows a deficit of 400k, due to no additional budget, no rent-free period at Citygate and no additional income generation other than 40k income from work with NHS test and trace.
    • Discussion was had around the risk to recruiting 6 whole time equivalent posts to deliver the strategy in Q4, also impacting the budget.
  • 10.2 PG noted the ongoing conversations with Government Property Agency and DHSC who are also supporting conversations for additional funding.

11. Proposed Capital Budget (paper 4)

  • 11.1 MJB provided an update on the capital budget and current position with proposed spending such as SAS licence and delayed items from last years budget. MJB confirmed plans are progressing to meet all procurement requirements.
  • 11.2 The Board noted paper 4 and approved the capital budget.

12. Strategic Risk update (papers 5)

  • 12.1 The Board noted paper 5.

13. Q2 Performance update (paper 6)

  • 13.1 TM provided a verbal update on Q2 performance, work has been prioritised in light of Covid and good progress is being made in these areas. The report was noted and the Board thanked TM and team for clear report. Report approved.

14. 20-21 Refreshed Business plan (Paper 7 &7A)

  • 14.1 TM explained the revised business plan for the remainder of the year taking into account Covid deliverables. This includes commitments to diversity and inclusion and touches on resource allocation on key projects. The business plan sets out clear corporate projects and programmes. Aim to have to a consistent approach to reporting outcomes to ARAC and Board.
  • 14.2 The Board approved papers 7&7A.

15. 2020-22 Integrated Planning (paper 8)

  • 15.1 MJB & TM presented the paper to the Board, this outlined the future integrated approach to the organisation to align workforce planning with financial planning. The paper was approved by all.

16. Board effectiveness review (paper 9&9A)

  • 16.1 Approved by all.

AP96 – AS – To circulate the self-assessment questionnaire to all Board members.

AP97 – AS – To amend questions slightly as discussed to ensure the Board are able to answer all questions.

17. Operational report (papers 10)

  • 17.1 Noted by all.

18. Data security & Protection documents (paper 11-11G)

  • 18.1 Noted by all.

19. DHSC/NHSCFA Framework agreement 20-23 (paper 12)

  • 19.1 Noted by all.

20. Review of forward planner (paper 13)

  • 20.1 The Board discussed the forward planner.

21. Review of effectiveness of the meeting

  • 21.1 TT thanked all for attending the meeting, the Board agreed the meeting was effective and TT thanked HF for attending the meeting.

Date of next Meeting: 25.11.20

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