NHSCFA Board meeting 19th March 2020

Minutes of NHSCFA Board meeting - FCG-BOA-MIN - Meeting – 19.03.20

Meeting date: 19.3.20

Meeting time: 09:30 - 10:30 dial in 0800 9171950 Participants PIN 61364825#

Meeting title: NHSCFA Board Meeting (Extraordinary)


  • (TT)Tom Taylor (Chairperson NHSCFA)
  • (CS) Professor Carl Stychin (Non Executive Director)
  • (JS) Jayne Scott (Non-Executive Director)
  • (SF) Susan Frith (Chief Executive, NHSCFA)
  • (MJB) Matthew Jordan-Boyd (Director of Finance, NHSCFA)
  • (RM) Rachel Monaghan (Director of Performance & Improvement NHSCFA)


  • (PG) Paul Golightly (Deputy Director, DHSC AFU)
  • (KB) Karen Bonham (Finance and Governance Support Lead)
  • (KK) Kiranjeet Kaur (Governance & Assurance Assistant) Minute taker


  • None

Apologies received:

  • (MS) Martin Spencer (Non Executive Director)
  • (AS) Ann Sturgess (Corporate Governance Manager and Board Secretary, NHSCFA)

1. Welcome TT

  • 1.1 TT welcomed all to the meeting and special thanks to KB for joining the meeting.

2. Apologies TT

  • 2.1 Apologies were received from AS and MS. TT thanked all for the positive progression of the papers.

3. Declarations of interest

  • 3.1 No new declarations were made.

4. Review of NHSCFA 20-23 Strategy (paper 1) RM

  • 4.1 TT started the discussion around paper 1, it was decided to discuss the paper page by page and make any tracked changes.
  • 4.2 The meeting agreed to changes involving:
    • the infographic on pg. 7 needed to be finalised with year-end figures and a publication date needs to be considered.
    • Reference to the current pandemic should be made and what may be or not be achievable due to this.
    • Clarity around some figures were sought, SF and RM are to recheck these figures with Nicola Burton for accuracy.
    • It was decided the wording needed to be strengthened and all documents double checked for the term criminal fraud.
    • Further discussion was had around the level of savings identified and a comparison to be done with figures the cabinet office holds.
  • 4.3 Discussion around paper 1 was completed with all tracked changes noted and the layout of the paper was praised for being a huge improvement by all.

5. Review of NHSCFA 20-21 Business Plan (paper 2) RM

  • 5.1 TT opened the discussion around paper 2, all members discussed the paper page by page.
  • 5.2 The meeting agreed to changes involving:
    • 0.1- Issues with sense checking and punctuality were identified, it was decided this will be checked for wording and consistency with paper 1 and 2.
    • 0.2- Presentation inconsistencies were found and the use of fraudsters again, the wording needed to be corrected and some sentences reworded.
    • 0.3- It was decided all bullet points in the paper would be uppercase with a full stop.
    • 0.4- Formatting issues on pg. 9 will replaced with an infographic.
    • 0.5- Linking paper 2 back to the strategy and ensure figures are consistent.
    • 0.6- It was decided the ARAC will check the matrix for the KPI table to add assurance.
    • 0.7- MJB discussed finances and income generation options for NHSCFA.
    • 0.8- The introduction will be reviewed to include current issues and challenges the organisation faces with Covid-19.
    • 0.9- Suggestions also made to review the sickness target due to the current pandemic.
  • 5.3 SF informed all the infographics and tracked changes can be completed by the end of next week and both documents will be recirculated to all for sign off.

AP 85 -RM Amendments to be made to both the 20-23 Strategy document and 20-21 Business Plan and circulated to Board by 30.3.20

6. Update on Coronavirus Business Continuity Planning (verbal) SF

  • 6.1 SF informed SMT hold daily crisis meetings to safeguard the organisation, all staff have been encouraged to work from home and laptops are being built for all members of staff. Further updated communications have been developed to be circulated to staff later today. Support had been provided to staff such as the employee assistance scheme and mental health support. SF praised how hard IT have been working, both quickly and efficiently to support the whole organisation. Also, all face to face meetings have been cancelled.
  • 6.2 SF went on the explain there had been one incident, someone had tested positive for Covid-19 at the Newcastle office however they were not an employee of NHSCFA. Several people were highlighted to work from home and isolate as a result.
  • 6.3 MJB gave an update on the interim audit at the end of March, as the NAO are unable to physically come into to the office consideration is being given how to support them.

7. Finance Report

  • 7.1 The finance report was discussed by all, MJB stated all cost improvement plans had already been considered for the upcoming financial year so consideration needs to be given when managing this over the next three years. Conversations are being held around this and updates will be given when solutions are found.
  • 7.2 All were in agreement to approve the financial report and the budget set.
  • 7.3 It was decided if possible all would keep their diary free for the 29th of April’s previously scheduled board meeting. TT and SF to discuss this and reinstate the meeting.

Date of next meeting: 22.5.20 Skipton House or 29.4.20 if reinstated

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