Date: 31/03/21
Meeting time: 0900 – 09:23
Meeting title: NHSCFA Board Meeting
- (MS) Martin Spencer (Non-Executive Director & Acting Chair)
- (JS) Jayne Scott (Non-Executive Director)
- (SF) Susan Frith (Chief Executive, NHSCFA)
- (MJB) Matthew Jordan-Boyd (Director of Finance &Corporate Governance, NHSCFA)
- (TM) Tricia Morrison (Director of Performance & Improvement NHSCFA)
- (JR) Jane Robinson (Policy Manager, DHSC AFU)
- (AS) Ann Sturgess (Corporate Governance Manager and Board Secretary, NHSCFA)
- (RMW) Reg Madden- Waite (Senior Governance & Assurance Officer) note taker
Apologies received:
- (TT) Tom Taylor (Chairman)
MS welcomed everyone to the meeting.
An apology was received from TT.
Declarations of interest
No new declarations of interest were made.
Minutes of Board Meeting 17.3.21
The Board agreed the minutes as a true and accurate record but for one or two minor amendments.
Action log
The Board reviewed the action log. Actions 113 to 115 and 118 were noted as not yet due, Action 117 was noted as in progress and publication of the article referred to was expected next week.
Finance Report to Board
At the Acting Chair’s request MJB summarised the content of the Finance Report to Board paper which had been circulated in advance of the meeting. He explained that the calculation of total funding of £12.727M for the year remained contingent on the receipt of a one-year increase of £1.4M. JR said that she expected confirmation of this increase later today.
6.2 MJB’s summary included the following:
- that the proposed budget considered an attrition factor of £92K
- that it accounted for all permanent and interim recruitment as well as posts agreed but not yet recruited to
- a non-pay inflation rate of 2%
- that it anticipated a significant reduction in travel and subsistence costs
- changes to accommodation in Newcastle
- making additional funding available for the EDAI, MHWG and leadership training
MJB also said that funds could be made available for short term innovation programmes, until such time as the review process enabled longer term planning.
JS expressed her support for the proposed budget and said that further slippage in vacancies and recruitment might make further funds available. She went on to ask whether there were any concerns regarding the capital budget. MJB said that consideration was being given to various investment programmes. He felt that if anything the capital budget exceeded that which was required. JS said that if this was so it should be flagged up to the DHSC with a view to returning surplus funds.
MS asked, given that the additional funding of £1.4M was for one year only, whether the NHSCFA would be able to deliver its strategic objectives in subsequent years. MJB said that the baseline of £12.72M was sufficient in light of the transformation programme. MJB also mentioned the possibility of further income generation in respect work done on behalf of NHS England, for example, where discussions were at an early stage.
SF discussed the preparatory work done in respect of the Spending Review 2020 bids which were to be delivered to the Treasury, although as JR explained there has been some confusion as to the method of delivery and how it will be associated with the Cabinet Office which fully supports the bid.
MS asked whether the bids articulated how the additional funds would link to the achievement of our strategic objectives. MJB assured the Board that the transformation programme would drive this but conceded that this had not been specifically itemised in the business plan as this was also contingent on the increase in the baseline figure discussed in the paper.
JS said that it was important to demonstrate that the funding has been appropriately linked to KPIs and performance metrics and outcomes.
MS confirmed that he agreed with the proposed budget.
AS said that TT had also agreed the proposed budget by email in the following terms: “My view as Chair (which can be recorded) is that the Board should approve the 2021/22 Budget as presented in the paper whilst awaiting final written confirmation of the allocation from DHSC”
Any other business
MS thanked JR for arranging his attendance at the DHSC REMCO
Review of effectiveness of meeting
All agreed that the meeting had been conducted effectively and efficiently.